Selling  Android -

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ByMakina, 5/21/21.

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  1. ByMakina

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    My Location:
    1. P3 HQ - P1 IoP - P2 HP-B-R-G / 1.5m t10 troop / 450k biocap / 169m bp / 53 lvl chief / vip8
    2. 30 HQ - 29 others / 430k t9 troop / 60k biocap / 2170 plasma / 58m bp / 42 lvl chief / vip7
    3. 30 HQ - 29 others / 460k t9 troop / 140k biocap / 2252 plasma / 61m bp / 44 lvl chief / vip7
    4. 28 HQ - 27 others / 230k t9 troop / 140k biocap / 1889 plasma / 11 plasma crate / 40m bp / 33 lvl chief / vip6

    5. 28 HQ - 27 others / 430k t9 troop / 75k biocap / 554 plasma / 1 plasma crate / 56m bp / 44 lvl chief / vip7
    6. 27 HQ - 26 others / 270k t9 troop / 25k biocap / 101 plasma / 40m bp / 42 lvl chief / vip6

    1. & 5. and 3. & 6. are in same account

    Full alliance tech (except solo march speed 2 and 3)
    lvl 4 depraved crusher 2.866.500hp influencer trap is active
    11 lvl horde is active

    PM me for more informations and screenshots

    Western Union
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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