Selling Overachiever's Helm (OA) Bitcoin (BTC) and transactions preferred, will take PayPal F&F Transactions I'm trying to sell just as much as you're trying to buy. My base price is $1800 USD - Or $1500 worth of Bitcoin (BTC) or [Preferred] -Uncrafted BD Set is around 4.5B (Current market price) -White Tourney is around 4-5B (4B + Misc Items confirmed trade) -Community shield is around 3.5-4B (3.9B confirmed trade) -Dinner Dress is 4b at most (4B confirmed trade) -Mantle is 5-6B (Two people have been recently banned with the item) Offer reasonably in Bitcoin (BTC) or [Preferred] or USD - SEND OFFERS *This values OA at Five Billion (5B) in-game gold based on the market price of gold at around $0.30 per 1 million in-game gold* JoeGirard#2150 on Discord Verdensrommet on Kik Not responding to lowballs