Selling  Android and iOS  High End EVE Echoes Top Tier T9 31,000,000 SP, Vindicator Faction Battleship, Megathron battleship, 3 Chips

Discussion in 'EVE Echoes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Concr, 4/30/21.

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  1. Concr

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    Hello Everyone!

    I am selling my EVE Echoes account that has been training skill points since near day one of launch.

    On the account:

    Tier: 9 (top)
    Skill Points: (31,000,000)
    Notable owned items: Vindicator Faction Battleship, Megathron battleship, deadspace turrets, items all throughout inventory
    Total Isk Value in inventory: Around 14 Billion in isk, 86,000,000 in liquidated isk in wallet

    This account is high valued and is one of the best on the market for many reasons. For starters, it has been training almost a full year of skill points and is t9 on its way to t10. The account has 25 days left of Omega Duo. Message me with any questions and I will get back to you really quick!

    Thank y'all!
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