Selling  S41 iOS VIP 10 Level 304 Account 5.1 Mil Power

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BigMacDad, 4/26/21.

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  1. BigMacDad

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    Selling my account because I don't play anymore, price is OBO
    *Discrepencies from pictures*
    Drake is now E3 (1 copy away from E5), Sigmund is 10*, E2 Das Moge has been regressed

    E5 Heroes: Russell, Tara, Aida x2, Belrain, Carrie, Aspen, Amen-Ra, Rogan, Garuda x2, Sherlock, Tix
    E2 Heroes: Asmodel (more then enough copies for E5), Heart Watcher, Delacium
    Other: E1 Ignis (E3 ready), 10* Delacium Sigmund and Ithaqua (Also E3 ready), 9* Amen-Ra & Inosuke

    Lots of p2w artis, cleared seal land 20 (light & dark), 4 max pets (dyne, phoenix, fenlier & niederhog), tower level 639, reached hell in aspen dungeon, more then enough brave tokens to smash brave trials for months, lots of class gear sets, maverick +7 frame & royal amethyst +3 frame.

    Can provide more pictures on request.

    Discord: Ethvn#1120

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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