Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) 500m t4 account

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oni Kage, 7/21/23.

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  1. Oni Kage

    Oni Kage
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    Hello, im selling my 500m fighting account.

    It has:

    1. 4 Grand King Gear
    2. 1 Grand GF gear
    3. 1 Elite GF gear that's almost ready for Grand
    4. Working on legacy range and melee
    5. Good Investment
    6. All free enforcers grand
    7. Almost 1m t4 each
    8. Loads of rss.
    9. 14 International locators, can buy 4 more with faction points.
    Stats both hitman and biker are high 500%
    Can go up to city 330 for now.

    price: $800
    Screenshot_20230717_150128_The Grand Mafia.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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