Selling  250m-500m  T4 320m might, T4 MH5 Pact4 Lunar Foundry unlocked, 300+ stats, 225m research, 1.3B gold 4B ea

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by FlordaGuy, 4/24/21.

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  1. FlordaGuy

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    My Location:
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    I am no longer able to keep up with my guild requirements and want to sell my 3 year old account. I am the original owner, and the email and linked Facebook. account are burner accounts for you to keep. The account is F2P, so you will get the added benefit of having the first proof of purchase for account security purposes. I will also provide answers to all IGG Support questions used to verify original account ownership.

    I am in a great guild, your option to stay if you meet minimums. It is 50B plus fighting guild with several allies and family guilds. Gift Level 32 and 200-300 lvl 2+ gifts daily. Guild is mature and no drama. Requirements: 1200 min GF, 4 lvl 2 monsters daily (easy to do without using energy bags), Solo 3 KVK, and join rallies when online. Guild bot also stores your rss for automatic withdraw. If you want to stay in guild, tell them you are a friend helping with account.

    Research - all T4 unlocked, Monster Hunt 5 completed, Pact 4 unlocked, Lunar Foundry unlocked, Sigil Helmet is work in progress
    Familiars - pact 1-3 are all lvl 60 with maxed skills, pact 4 is wip, 3 familiar battle slots (fear spike 8, scorching sear 7, tailwind 4, turbo charge 4)
    Sigils - helmet sigil is 7 researches away (each are 6 day researches or less), 1 blue wolfpack sigil ready to equip
    Jewels - I have not equiped any jewels (yours to choose)
    1 gold 1 purple Inf ATK
    1 gold 2 purple Rng ATK
    1 gold 3 purple Cav ATK
    Attack Stats - with current gear (no jewels)
    Inf = 300.45%
    Rng = 303.1%
    Cav = 291.1%
    Resources - in bags: 4.2b food; 3.9b stones; 4.0b wood; 4.0b ore; 1.3b gold
    Guild Coins - 2.9M
    Castle - Army limit 6, Heroes 33 (all F2P heroes gold)
    VIP - 14
    Troops - 1M (150k T4, 200k T3)

    Will send screenshots of anything you want more details on.
    IMG_20210424_010158257.jpg IMG_20210424_010219573.jpg IMG_20210424_010226015.jpg IMG_20210424_243649394.jpg IMG_20210424_243820180.jpg IMG_20210424_243848286.jpg IMG_20210424_243903520.jpg IMG_20210424_243917810.jpg IMG_20210424_243934570.jpg IMG_20210424_244011563.jpg IMG_20210424_244019880.jpg IMG_20210424_244027647.jpg IMG_20210424_244035874.jpg IMG_20210424_244042852.jpg IMG_20210424_244320612.jpg IMG_20210424_244328949.jpg IMG_20210424_244337325.jpg IMG_20210424_245139404.jpg IMG_20210424_245528285.jpg IMG_20210424_245855435.jpg IMG_20210424_245933627.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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