Selling  High End  All Platforms  1-6 Hours Steam/Xbox DESTINY 2 Year 1,2,3, and 4 High End ACCOUNT, WITH VEX MYTHOCLAST CATALISHED AND ALL EXO

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by iker4ATM, 4/20/21.

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  1. iker4ATM

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    Contact me at telegram: @iker4ATM or discord iker4ATM#7984

    This top tier/Super High-end account is for people that look for an easy entrance in the new season/expansions of Destiny 2, this account has been played since Destiny 2 start (September, 2017.)
    This account has all the challenges tag possible in Raid/dungeon/strike reports, and also a good speed/clears ranking.

    This account is an EXPENSIVE account, but the lucky buyer will not have anything to worry about, you will be up to date and EVERYTHING maxed out to do any activity you prefer, or just to flex it to your friend.

    This High-end account is targeted for players who want to be looked like a high-end player since the beginning of their destiny 2 careers.

    Since Beyond light:

    All stasis, aspects and fragments unlocked - updated each week until account is sold.
    BEST GOD ROLLS for Weapons/Armors for both, PVP and PVE

    ALL exotics Weapons/Armors are unlocked .

    Have of rare, special, and no longer available Emblems, Shaders and Eververse items.

    Excellent opportunity for a massive start into the Franchise.
    3 maxed level characters

    Hunter - Human Male (Power: 1326)

    Warlock - Human Female (Power: 1326)

    Titan - Exo Male
    (Power: 1326)

    All 3 characters are max light.

    Stasis Subclass is obtained for all 3 chars

    Season of the Chosen Season Pass Rank: 300±


    ALL PINNACLE AND RITUAL weapons since Year 1

    A lot of GOD ROLLS weapons

    Time played: 2000± hours


    Absolutely All Exotic Armor and almost Exotic weapons

    All Catalysts (including unobtainable)

    All Year 4 Exotic (all exotics overall)

    Weapons: Salvation's Grip, No Time to Explain,

    Duality, The Lament, Cloudstrike,

    Eyes of Tomorrow, Hawkmoon, and dead man’s tale.

    Hunter Armor: Athrys's Embrace, Mask of Bakris,

    !New Omnioculus.

    Warlock Armor: Necrotic Grip, Dawn Chorus,

    !New Mantle of Battle Harmony.

    Titan Armor: Icefall Mantle, Precious Scars,

    !New Cuirass of the Falling Star.


    "GOD ROLL" weapons and armor for PVP and PVE

    ALL best weapons for HARDCORE content (GM's and Trials)


    I can send more pics of certain weapons and armor.


    More masterpiece armor with high stats in 3 characters and more good rolls weapons masterpiece.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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