Selling  WTS STEAM 43char / 8LEG char+Rumi

Discussion in 'Freestyle Street Basketball Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OTARA, 4/20/21.

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  1. OTARA

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    VIP accum period: 40 month / membership expire date:2022.7M.16D. (today 20.04.2021)
    SPONSOR expire date: Point: 2026.06M.27D / +Point 2026.05M 10D.
    Gift Box: min 25prem att changer+attlockers, 4star FS FX, Jokcard, N card, x3 rare mover, world card box x1, skill slot x1,
    2500 Event Gcash expire: (05m 17d), you will receive G5 for the next 5 months min).
    Craft Item: 32golden core / blue:486 / red:300 / green:215 / purple:225, ALL SPC:43, Achivment Rank -400(8300achive).
    1.simon rick PF→ with OUTLET PASS (SKILL) no skill slots.

    2.liu CT→ sp2 world(prismed 2/3) Off: x2 3ptsucc x1mid succ / Def: x2 Block, x1 Steal / Tal: 3Pt def rest,Block,Reb. (15prism) Crome shiny black suit att: +14+12→3pt Att. All Skill Slot.

    3.Goku PG→ All Skill Slot, 2/3 sp4 world→ Off:long ley range x2 Tal:stealAtt, long ley range ,Glow Skeletron Shoes:Stamina+10 +1prem att changer +3ceremony

    4.PF Dr.Isaac→All skill slot+Outlet Pass 18prism+28att changer, Dr Isaac SP uniform: Tussle+12, Block+6 + Dr isaac Shoes Reb+10 +5ceremony

    5.C Dr.Isaac→All Skill Slot, 1leg wish box, 133 att changer +5att locker +6 prism

    6.SF Nicki→All Skill Slot+Euro Step, 1 prem changer

    7.Sw Code-AA→All Skill Slot+Euro Step, Codeaa suit: 3PT +12+6, shoes speed+10, Cards: Would You like have another(skill post up quick change) ▬World cards. enhance lv1
    Off: Mid Att / LongLey Range / Drive Speed, Def: Steal/MBR/Steal motion, Tal: 3pt DefRess/MBR/3pt Succ.
    SP5 Card: Off: manual ley angle/3ptsucc/Drive Speed, Def: Steal motion/Block/Steal, Tal: Steal mot/Long ley range/Mid att. +4ceremony.

    8.SG Jake→Crome shiny black suit att: +14+12→3pt Att, White Kings Smart Suit att:3pt+12+6, All Skill Slot, Sp Run,Stm 2/2
    Cards: Extravagant Panic(World): x4 away screen move / long ley range, x2move speed, x1block att
    SP5 World: fo mid +4att locker. enhance lv1

    9.PF Manager Liu→ All Skill Slot, enhance lv1, Crome shiny black suit att: +14+12→Reb Att.
    Cards: sp2 x2mbr, x1block / N card Ghost Bastards x3 leg +26 prism +2prem prism +71 att changer. Fs: Dark Under Leg lv4.

    10.SW Cloud→2/4 skill slot card: Sp4 2/3 -talent off: x2drive/3pt succ, Def: x2mbr/steal mot. (world) +43 prism

    11.DG Yuzuki→SP6/SP4 (WORLD ALL PRISMED) all skill slot, SP RUN/STM 2/2, sp6 Off x2ptsucc, def:x2block/moveSPD,
    Tal: block/mbr/steal, enhance lv2, +3 rare ceremony

    12.CT Alice→ ALL Skill Slot, SP RUN/STM 3/3, slippers shoes reb+10, Crome shiny black suit att: +14REB, +12Tussle,
    cards: SP6/Extravagant Panic (WORLD)+prismed, SP6: X2 3PT / succ x2run speed / x2mbr / x1block / x1tussl, +22prism+2prem prism +16att changer, Selection ATT 3ptsucc+6, balanced, enhance lv2, +5 rare ceremony.

    13.SF Beelz→ice tattoo 3pt att+10, shoes +10rp, enhance lv1, +1rare ceremony
    SP6: Off:2 3PT succ/1Mid succ, Def: x2block x1steal motion / Tal: 1 3PTsucc x2mbr. +26 prism +1prem prism +3att lock.

    14.PF DOM(MID)→All Skill Slot, SP RUN/STM 2/2, Crome shiny black suit att: +14Tussle +12Block,
    grandpa suit att: TUSSLE+12+6, Chinese Suit att: Mid+14 Block+12, x2leg wish box, enhance lv1, +3 rare ceremony,
    SP6 World Prismed: long ley range x3, midsucc X1+X1att def:X2Block & run spd, +2 att lock, 191+tssl with dd mastery.

    15.SW beelz(MID)→ all Skill Slot, Sp Run/Stm 3/3, +the floss ceremony, fs FX Blind Food lv4, enhance lv1,
    SP6 WORLD PRISMED: off: midsucc/drive/3ptAtt, Def: tssl/RunSpd x2, Tal: x2drive/long ley range. +1 rare ceremony.

    16.SG Rumi(Corn)→ all Skill Slot, SP RUN/STM 3/3, skeletron shirt midatt+10 → pant steal+10, v18 bottom block+10,
    Fx Blind Food lv4+Dark Gantle Giant lv3, SP 4/6 WORLD +PRISMED, Power Type, selection+6 block att, enhance lv1,
    SP6 Off:x2 3ptsucc, Def: X2 block / steal mot, Tal: block X2 / Steal att,
    Steam LVL: 22
    Steam games: 35
    FS playtime : 7k hour+
    games: gta4, eflc, tlad / gta 5 / tomb raider(all dlc) / doont starve all / life is strange all ep / Sniper Elite 3.
    Steam point : 88,703 (100 points for every $1.00 USD you spend.Buy any game, DLC,or in-game item, and get points.)
    more information: discord→Kawakha#4688 /

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