Sold $500 Diamond Griffin, Master Level 121, Extremely Stacked Shop

Discussion in 'Fun Run Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bob Nova, 2/3/24.

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  1. Bob Nova

    Bob Nova
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    Extremely stacked funrun account. Almost every shop item in the game. Make tons of awesome outfits!

    Level: Master levels 121. Rating: Elite

    Some Animals: Diamond Griffin, Celestial Cat, Black Cat, Skink, Golden Bunny, Golden Monkey, Golden Griffin, Golden Dragon, Ice Dragon, Ice Peacock, Ice Hedgehog, Lava Crocodile, Lava Giraffe, Lava Unicorn, Zombie Unicorn, Purple Unicorn, Unicorn, Rainbow Peacock, Evil Peacock, Evil Polar Bear, Evil Nightnare, Skeleton Dragon, Skeleton Ankleosaurus, Skeleton Wilderbeast, Chinchilla, Love Dove, Stuffed Squirrel, and many many more

    Golden Items: Gold Snapback, Gold Disco Wig, Gold Pirate Hat, Gold Steampunk Goggles, Gold Pilot Shades, Golden Bunny Shutters, Gold Eye Patch, Gold Scarf, Gold Bow Tie, Gold Pirate Coat, Golden T-Shirt, Gold Spinner, Gold Sabre, Gold Boot & Peg Leg, Gold Clown Shoes, and Gold Buckled Shoes.

    Turquoise Rarity Items: S.P.E.C.T.R. Helmet, Lava Helmet, Fierce Buffalo Skull, Pinktastic Hat, Nov Helmet, Wick-ed Duchess Hair, Medusa Snakes, Dr. Pickle’s Goggles, Flower Glasses, S.P.E.C.T.R. Shoulderplate, Sheriff Star Necklace, Skull Necklace, Bat Collar, Funisher Chain, Frost Wings, Heart Bowtie, Forest Spirit Necklace, Shadow Scarf, Red Ribbon and Bell, Nanohealer Belt, Jiangshi Necklace, S.P.E.C.T.R. Coat, Diaper, Vortex Slasher, The Pickler, Astrosurf Holoblade, The Sundisc, Staff of the Dead, Flower Spinner, Heart Breaker, Ice Axe, Wavy Dagger, Flame Sword, Chainsaw, Icicle Wand, Jack of Hearts Aze, Atom Blade, Fire Knife, Dragon Slayer Spear, Fiend Pitchfork, Vanquisher Sword, Dragon Knight Polearm, Dispeller Wand, Hearts Desire, Elephant Water Can, Goth Siren Staff, Medieval Archer Bow, Seer Lyre, Pathfinder Compass, Bitmage Staff, Crimson Leaf Sword, Nova Spinner, Royal Oracle Cards, Hellcleaver Axe, Glam Rock Guitar, Tengu Bow, Medusa Orb, S.P.E.C.T.R. Boots, Surfboard, Bubblegum Rollers, Shadow Shoes, Sonic Blast Board, Ink Cloud, Trapeze Shoes.

    Yeah its a preetty good account lol.

    Other information for nerds:
    CB WR: 80.8% 261/323, QP WR: 85.77% 4490 games, 88.56k Legendary Arena Points, 10.1k Legendary Rating Points.

    instagram.: @colo_fr3
    Telegram: @colo_fr
    Email: [email protected]

    Please domt hesitate to ask any questions!<3

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