Account can be linked to new lego account. Account summary: - total awesomeness - over 1 million - 15000+ gems and getting more daily! ($100 worth) - All challenges except attacker maxed out - easily top 10 arena and can achieve rank 1 - all sets unlocked and pieces to max most of them - easily clears brixpedition - 20+ seven stars chars, and tiles to max even more - most characters maxed gear - More than 7 million+ gold - Pirate event cleared through 6 star - Enough arena currency to max any arena character - Has full 5* plus team for every group except ghostbuster - Notable 7* Characters: Highwayman, Kai, Burnabus, Redbeard, Locust, Yuppie, Commander Cold, Lloyd, Zane, Jester, Aurora, Chef - Account has Master Wu