Sold 5 year account created at launch.120+ days...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sa Su, 6/1/15.

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  1. Sa Su

    Sa Su
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    5 year account created at launch.120+ days gametime Tactical Federation lvl 60 with 93 of 105 specialization points(400+hrs). T6 Fleet Intell Escort T6 Kobali Samsar Cruiser T6 Breen Sarr theln Carrier Multiple T5-u event ships/shuttlecraft 4 alt characters including delta recruit All 5 tiers of ALL Reputation complete including Icononian Rep *Full sets of ground and space Iconian rep gear already purchased* R and D levels lvl 15-19 All commendations complete @ Rank 4 Over 12500+ Accolade points 50+ gear items Upgraded to Mk 14 Many unlocked event rewards/costumes/lobi store items. Multiple Epic universal consoles 50+ million EC 75K+ refined dill 130k+ unrefined Extensive list of valuable lockbox Ground/space traits 10+ Purple Boffs Romulan Operatives/tact/sci-intell etc 100+ blue/purple doffs ...and there is more I haven't listed The account also includes a high level Neverwinter account. All information and rights to the account wll be provided including passwords/email/security answers and info .I Will provide more specific info apon inquiry to serious buyers.I am 100% legitimate (no account retrieval) and request the same from the buyer. Paypal payment only. I am willing to skype to discuss/validate further. $ 250 US Please message my Facebook. account to contact me. Thanks! Live long and prosper!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Joshua Winter

    Joshua Winter
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    this still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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