5*, 4*, and 3* cards for sale SWFC

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Selling some cards from my account. Updated prices to move faster. Think my prices aren't reasonable? Make me a REASONABLE offer.


    Card LVL Skill Price Stats

    8-15 Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) 60 $75.00 15244/9791

    8-15 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan) 60 $75.00 12946/12666

    8-15 Master Yoda 60 $100 13539/13095

    Base Admiral Ackbar 60 10 $15.00 6830/9180


    Base Jabba the Hutt 50 1 $3.00 5270/6420

    Evo 1 Nute Gunray 50 20 $7.00 4788/7444

    Evo 1 Zam Wesell 50 1 $7.00 7364/5346

    Evo 1 Dooku 50 10 $7.00 7182/7512

    Base Boba Fett 50 $3.00 5840/6500

    8-15 Luminara Unduli 50 $7.00 8784/8592

    Evo Max Light Clone Commander Bly 50 30 $15.00 9579/6645

    Base Dark Clone Commander Bly 50 1 $3.00 6770/4340

    Evo Max Tarfful 50 30 $15.00 10529/6864

    Base Grand Moff Tarkin 50 1 $3.00 2920/6790

    Evo 1 Jan Dodonna 50 17 $15.00 5814/6840

    Evo 1 Darth Vader (Death Star) 50 $7.00 7888/6475

    Evo Max Leia Organa (Endor Celeb) 50 $10.00 8821/9173

    Evo 2 General Rieekan 50 16 $10.00 5417/9428

    Base Moff Jerjerrod 50 1 $3.00 5070/6500

    Base General Veers 50 1 $3.00 7370/4150

    Evo 1 Lando Calrissian 50 20 $10.00 6999/6361

    Evo 1 IG-88B 50 $7.00 7375/4628

    Evo 2 Bossk 50 $5.00 5248/7983

    Evo Max Droideka 50 27 $15.00 4755/12063

    Base Emperors Royal Guard 50 1 $3.00 5070/6750

    Evo 1 Shadow Stormtrooper 50 $10.00 8379/4879


    Evo 2 2-1B (Healer) 40 $10.00 1895/4397

    Evo Max 2-1B Healer 40 $20.00 2176/5051

    Here is how things will work. I only accept paypal as payment.

    1) PM me and I will send you my PayPal Email Address

    2) Give me your game ID, I will invite you as a friend and then start the trade to prove that I have what you want to buy.

    3) Offer me a 1* or 2* card on your end of the trade.

    4) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money."

    5) Enter my Email address.

    6) Enter the amount for your purchase.

    7) Select the option "Friends and Family."

    8) Please add the following message to the payment:

    **Payment for (...card) in SWFC game. I am (username), I completely understand these are virtual goods and I agree that no refunds or returns are allowed.**

    9) All Payments are to be made in USD.

    10) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment.

    11) Once Payment is confirmed I will finalize the trade.


    General Grievous sold.




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