Sold 5,1+ GP top 30 kyber, +169 set, 83+3 zetas, top arena, Gen. Anakin, Negotiator, all units unlocked

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by kotsotch, 10/14/19.

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  1. kotsotch

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    Welcome!. I'am selling very good managed account, i played for a years, with some luck on mods. Almost all needful teams are prepared for battle in all game modes, from raids to grand arena. vA kotsotch's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG

    GP: 5.1M
    Char GP :: 3.0M
    Ship GP :: 2.1M
    Zetas 83 + 3 saved for General Anakin

    Arena is and easy autoclimb with 2nd fastest d.revan on shard 1 man on payout
    Ship arena ready to meet you with negotiator fleet and ackbar(with 153 bistan), whatever you like. 2 man on PO

    G12 :: 75 (a lot of toons are +5 and just awaits for g13)
    G13 :: 18

    Great mods that make you better than average player in SWGOH, get your opponent scared a little/
    6 dot Mods :: 97
    Speed+10 :: 440
    Speed+15 :: 143
    Speed+20 :: 33

    A lot for gear saved 700+ carbanties, 600+ stun cuffs, etc, 25k+ guild currency, 70+k arena tockens, some mk1+mk2 for negotiatior and Anakin

    Message me in discord Kotsotch#9771 or in telegram @kotsotch and we find solution.
    Thanks for attention
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