Marketplace US UK DE accounts with SHIPPING enabled,best accounts to work and replacement GUARANTEE.

Discussion in 'Monica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thefbexperts, 4/5/21.

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  1. thefbexperts

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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices

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    Aged facebook. Marketplace Accounts verified
    Welcome to thefbexperts , We are facebook. professionals. We believe with our strong background in Technology, We can help you to solve every problem regarding using facebook.. Please take a look at my offer for facebook. services as below and visit my store.
    Country: US/EU/Australia/Germany/Global(instant delivery). And any other(you may wait for 24-36 hrs).

    Account: How long an account last depends on the quality of accounts and way of using, if you know what you are doing and follow the guide, it will last months. And more importantly,our team always here to help you 24/7.

    Login details: Full UID/Email/Password 2fa and recovery emails..and we also provide identification in order to verified you ads manager.

    Included: Running guide and instructions - The Do's and Don'ts. The comprehensive guide of how to earn at marketplace withour getting banned.

    Price :Start from> 25$

    Delivery: Immediately after receiving the payment.


    If the account gets Banned due to a login problem, I will fix it immediately & Get it running for you. If the accounts cannot be fixed, I will replace another account for you.


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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