Selling  Average  Android and iOS K20 and k14 for sale at Kingdom 686. BEST OFFER

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AnnieStar, 3/26/21.

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  1. AnnieStar

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    K20 and k14 for sale at Kingdom 686.

    k20, house lvl 26, 3.9M power, Dragon lvl 20, 254,902,350 RSS boxed, 50k gold coins. Main troop cavalry and second ranged. Lore, pine, bricks and lots of items to be able to use for building upgrades.

    k14, H22, 1.2M power, lvl 17 dragon, 261,800,675 RSS boxed, 104k gold coins. Main troops are ranged and second troop cavalry. Lore, pine, bricks and lots of items to be able to use for building upgrades.

    Both are linked to fake facebook.. Easy to share access.
    Selling both accounts. Best price you will find.
    #1 AnnieStar, 3/26/21
    Last edited: 3/26/21
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