Selling  Android and iOS  High End Romancing Saga Re: Universe Global account

Discussion in 'Romancing Saga Re Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GooseStaff, 3/17/21.

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  1. GooseStaff

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    Unverified Member

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    My Location:
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    Cash user account. Total CP: 2.5mil
    Rank 700+
    Limited Styles: Everything except:
    Final Emperor 2.0, T260G 1.0, Asellus 1.0 and GLEX Monica; SS Ice Sword weapon taken instead of SS Galahad. Joined game during Asellus 1.0.

    Plat Styles: Everything except:
    2020 SS Wagnas and Rocbouquet
    2021 SS Death Albert, Grey, Riki, Ginny, Primeira
    The rest I am not sure, haven't been playing.
    Server: Asia
    Stopped pulling since GLEX Monica banner.
    Monthly/ Gold piece subscription still active.

    Styles are 800-1000HP with most of the meta updated to stats cap of 80ish. Everything unlocked, everything cleared. Only thing missing out are those remaining styles in platinum banner since it has almost everything the odds of getting new style is as low as 1%.

    Email me: [email protected]
    #1 GooseStaff, 3/17/21
    Last edited: 3/17/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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