That's really interesting. I was looking for a virtual address the other day. Anyone knows where I can get one?
What exactly should I do with your Gmail address that you're selling? If it's not full of spam emails which I doubt, it's probably a good attempt of yours to get a hold of someone's credit card details. As an entrepreneur I don't play with my company's safety, and I only use a service that includes a virtual address as well as a virtual mailbox for all my communication and customer related request needs. To make you understand what I mean, with 10 bucks I have my address in the US which is the country of interest for my company to be registered and also a reliable email service.
What exactly should I do with your Gmail address that you're selling? If it's not full of spam emails which I doubt, it's probably a good attempt of yours to get a hold of someone's credit card details. As an entrepreneur I don't play with my company's safety, and I only use a service that includes a virtual address as well as a virtual mailbox for all my communication and customer related request needs. To make you understand what I mean, with 10 bucks I have my address in the US which is the country of interest for my company to be registered and also a reliable email service.