Selling  Average  Android and iOS Kingdom 740 K18 lvl 21 2.2mil 100

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joseph Salazar, 3/10/21.

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  1. Joseph Salazar

    Joseph Salazar
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    My Location:
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    Over $600 has been put into account. Doesnt have much gear but has 200k t6 cav and tons of research with a good bit of mats. As well has 3 pieces of thobos legendary gear. Has tons of food and bags as well tons of teleports and shields. Also is house level 21. Currently in the number 1 allegiance on server. As well has maester 2 and builder 2 for 30 days
    Price can be negotiated to 100-200.

    I will use any middleman necessary
    This uses facebook. as well.

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    #1 Joseph Salazar, 3/10/21
    Last edited: 3/10/21
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