Selling  489M Fame | Shapeshifter 700 | Shadow 350 | Nature 250 | Hammer T8 | LP 2305

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxDARKxLORDxx, 1/29/25.

  1. xxDARKxLORDxx

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    - Exclusive offer -

    Count with many ways to quickly make money as a T5 weaver or Farmer with the T8 mass, T6 animal breeder or even armor or weapons some are even improved up to T6 like shapeshifting sticks. Some weapons are greatly improved if you want to go fight like Shapeshifter 700 and wizard damner 350

    Learning points: Around 2305

    Personnal Island : LvL 3/6

    Tools: T7 Fishing - T4 Pickaxe - T6 Sickle - T3 Knife - T8 Hammer - T4 Axe

    If you have any questions about the account, do not hesitate to contact our team.

    All accounts come with full mail infos and have a Lifetime Warranty, see our return policy to know the details.

    Contact me if you need a specific account :, I will show them to you off market.

    You can directly add me on discord for faster answer : **heaven_guardian**

    All accounts have a **Lifetime Warranty**, see our return policy to know the details.
    #1 xxDARKxLORDxx, 1/29/25
    Last edited: 1/29/25