Get 200 Soundcloud Likes from real people in real visits. No bots, no shady automation. 100% organic traffic by real people only, and distributed over some time and over several locations, so that it will look totally natural (which is why delivery time is 1-72 hours). This is important so that your site will not get punished by the Soundcloud algorithm, when it gets suddenly hit by too many likes. Do not trust offers like 1.000 likes for 10$ !! Ask yourself, how they can do it in a natural way for this amount of money. Impossible, right? In worst case, you will find your Soundcloud site dropped or suspended for violating their guidelines... Why would you take this risk? This is why I work as described above. 100% natural and white hat and with humans clicking your likes only ! I do not need your Soundcloud login data. The link to your Soundcloud clip is fully sufficient. Make sure it will be online when we start. Safe transactions via middleman provided and preferred. Simply click the "Buy now" button above to get started!