Sold Service to sell accounts, by very low static fees. Also I buy accounts. All my accounts listed here.

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 11/27/20.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    I’m a trusted seller on PlayerUp, selling hoard accounts since January 2017 (around 150 hoard accounts sold), 100% positive feedbacks, with tens of them (currently +60 positive feedbacks) and helping people to sell their accounts since middle of 2020 also.

    My system consist that first of all the owner contacts me by some chat platform (I use Discord, Facebook., WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram., Line, Skype and Twitter), e-mail or private message, and I will immediately add the account in a spreadsheet where the potential buyers can easily check and compare all the accounts for sale I have. I have a good variety of accounts with accounts of all types for all budgets.

    The buyer can contact me to request more info, like the profiles, to do offers to the owners or to directly purchase one of them. Usually is used PayPal in the transaction, but also you can request a Middleman listing link to purchase it by PlayerUp and use other methods.

    I use a unique system to prevent at maximum possible the scams. First of all I link the owner account to my guest account and then I show to the owner how to replace the original account by a level 6 account that I create each time automatically, with a macro on BlueStacks, only for this purpose, so the owner will have the original account replaced by a lvl 6 account and only me will have access to the account. The owner does a video with video screen recording to demonstrate that replaced the original account by that level 6 account, I check that the video is correct and I upload it on YouTube to show the video to the buyer. In this moment is safe for the buyer send the money to the owner. Once the owner confirms that received the money I start the link with the buyer. Once the buyer confirms the link, I do another video demonstrating that also I replaced the account by the same level 6 account, so in this moment only the buyer has access to the account.

    Other advantages are:

    Selling: Services & Advantages

    My fee is static for a price range, not a percentage as usual. Other sellers keep a percentage of the sale, which usually is around 20%, so if you want sell an account by 500 USD you will lose 100 USD. I consider that these percentages are not fair, taking into account that to publish a thread only delays few minutes, so 100 USD for only 30 or 45 minutes of effort is an abusive service, specially taking into account that the payment methods will keep another between 10% and 15% as fee for the service, so is a big waste of money.

    You can pay my fee when the account is sold, subtracting the fee in the profit amount. The buyer pays my fee when has the control of the account. For example, if buys an account by 500 USD, where my fee is 30 USD, will send 470 USD to you and 30 USD to me.

    Is granted 5 bumps every day in the most important hours of the day. As verified member I have 5 free bumps per day to put your thread in the top of the forum, which inscreases the visibility and the chances to sell the account. I bump my threads in the most important hours of the day, which usually is when on Europe is afternoon and middle of the day on America, also night in Asia, and when is night in Europe and afternoon in America. The threads continue being in the top during all the night on America, which is also the morning in Asia. These are the most important hours to keep the threads in the top of the forum and maximize the visibility. If you publish some thread by yourself you will only have 3 free bumps per day until you get the verified status, so probably other sellers will bump again their threads, moving your thread to the second page and reducing a lot the visibility. If you buy extra bumps or automatic bumps, it would cost much more than my service at the end. To get the verified status is needed complete a Middleman transaction or purchase it by 20 USD, so also would be an extra cost. Futhermore, I connect several times in the forum to check if the threads still are in the top, if other sellers bumped their threads I bump my threads to put them again in the top.

    I have the best designs in my threads, with good visual pics, screenshots, text formats with colours, sizes, bolds, italics, underlines and more, videos on YouTube, etc., it increases a lot the visibility and the interest. You can check all my accounts for sale and my accounts sold at the end of this thread, to check the designs. In my normal work I use a lot the graphic designs, web designs, forum designs, I dominate the graphic and video editing, so the potential buyers will be more interested in well designed threads than the usual basic threads with a poor desing and descriptions. You can check some examples of my formats in the following threads:

    ● Hoard accounts lvl 25 (2-Rounds 2019) with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Solo

    7,0M GP with Ult JMLS, Ult R8 SLKR, Ult SEE, GAS, JKL, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas

    1,7M GP Hoard account with Relic 7 Mandalorians, joined at 05 Sep 2020, Han MF, HT

    I play this game since almost the release on 2015, was launched on 24th November 2015, I started to play at middle of December 2015, so during the first days of the game. I had an own guild, I was the leader, some of my officers currently are moderators in the official EA SWGoH Forum, also I had a YouTube channel during the first 2 years, I know everything about the game, I know the best strategies to get the top, so I can make a description in the thread that will indicate exactly which things can the buyer get with your account. Some peope don't know a lot about the game, they need some advices, some guides. Usually any seller do that and they only publish lists about the characters and ships with some screenshot, everyone can do that, I think is important see the potential of the account and descript it in the thread to increase the interest of the potential buyers, specially for these players who are not as experts than very old and top players.

    I can recommend you the best selling price. As I know everything about SWGoH, you can contact with me to know which would be the fair selling price of your account. You can send me your SWGoH.GG profile or you Ally Code and I will analyze it, with only around 3 minutes I will be able to tell you which is the most fair price for your account. This is a big advantage, because sometimes I see people selling their accounts by themselves at too much big prices, so their chance to sell the account is very low or almost null, but if you put a correct price, which is fair for the buyer, the chances to sell the account will be much more. After know my appraisal, you can determinate which is your preferred price, also if is 20%, 50% or 100% more than the price I recommended, I will put the price that you want or, at least, I will ask you if you agree with my recommendation. Also it will be prevent the opposite thing, that you put a too much low selling price, wasting money. I have a weekly price reduction, every Monday the price is reduced 2, 3, 5 or 10 USD, updating the price tag. I will ask you if you want apply this method and which is your preferred weekly price reduction, depending of how fast you need sell the account. Also I can indicate in the thread if you accept offers or not.

    I use all chat platforms and I'm connected all the day, 18 hours per day, in the most important hours for the sales on Europe and America. I work from house in my main job, so I can talk with the buyers during most of the day and prҽvent lose some sale because not got a response and bought another account. If you are a busy person who only has 3, 4 o 5 free hours per day, and you try to sell the account by yourself, maybe you lose several options, because a lot of people is impatient and not want wait for your answer and they go to visit other threads and maybe after several minutes of searching they find some account also enough interesting for them, they purchase it and you lost the opportunity. Usually if you not answer in the first 15 or 30 minutes there is a lot of chance to lose the opportunity to sell the account. If you delay several hours to answer, there is 75% chance or more that the guy already found another similar or more interesting account. With me it not happens because I have the notifications activated at least 18 hours per day, so when someone talk me by Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Line, Skype, or they send me a mail or a private message in the forum, I answer immediately without any delay. Most of times, after accept the friend request, I talk them before they talk me, so thanks to my permanent connection there is much more chance to sell the accounts. I receive notifications in 2 phones, 1 PC and 1 smart band, so the chance to miss some notificacion is almost null.

    I talk English and Spanish. If your English is not very good maybe you have difficulties to publish a thread enough interesting for the buyers. I'm from Spain, but, as you can see, I can talk English, maybe not the best English of the world, because is not my main language, usually I only talk Catalan and Spanish, I only use the English on Internet, but is enough good to make good descriptions about the accounts, I can explain exactly the same things that I would explain if I write it in Spanish. Also there are a lot of Spanish speakers in the world, 1.000 million people, same than English speakers, so is an extra advantage if they can speak to me in Spanish directly.

    You don't need say me your credentials, I don't need your mail, I don't need passwords and any personal data, I don't need connect to the account, with the Ally Code or SWGoH.GG profile will be enough to build the thread. When the account is sold, we will do a 3-way conversation with the buyer by Discord in most of cases, or the chat platform that you prefer, to transfer the account to the buyer. Neither is needed provide personal info during the account transfer, I have an own Facebook. that I only use for this process. I have a method to assure that the original owner will not connect again in the account, you can apply this process by yourself. Only would be needed use your mail for a moment if you prefer that I do this process. Once finished the process, your game data will be deleted, the account reset to level 1 and you will be able to change the password to continue using your mail in other games. If some of the parts is not available or not use chat platforms, then I will talk with one part and later with the other part.

    I will not share your Ally Code and SWGoH.GG profile, as there is the risk to be banned if someone report the account because of account transfer. When you transfer accounts there is not any risk for the buyer to be banned, is 100% safe, the only risk is if you share the Ally Code or the SWGoH.GG profile. It will prҽvent have some future problem with the buyer because the account got reported and banned, it will not happen. I always hide the Ally Code and Player ID when I share screenshots.

    I will publish the same thread in other platforms. I will publish the thread of your account in at least another 2 sites at same time and also in my own forum, where, for example, I have 4 times more views than in my hoard accounts threads in PlayerUp. My forum has a very good hosting with SSD and an own domain, with a good posicioning on Google, if you search "swgoh hoard accounts" you will check that my domain is in the first result of Google Search and Google Images, so when they search an account like your account also will appear in the first result of Google. I'm the owner of that site, so I'm the only seller there, nobody more can publish threads there, so is an alternative to check all my accounts for sale. This is the link to my SWGoH forum, is a hidden subforum inside my main forum:
    (I will add there my accounts soon, still are not available)

    The link to your thread will appear in all rest of threads. In the last reply of every thread I publish a list about all my current accounts for sale, so there is more chance that maybe someone who is reading a different thread got interested in your account when see it in the list.

    The price will be automatically reduced every week. If you accept include your account in the weekly price reduction, every Monday I will reduce the price by 2, 3, 5 or 10 USD, depending of the initial price and how fast you want sell the account, so you don't need contact me frequently only to reduce the price. If you want do a bigger reduction to try to sell it faster always you can contact with me to edit the price.

    You will be able to receive offers. I will specificate in the thread of your account if the account is eligible for offers, which is another way to sell it faster. If I receive some offer I will contact with you to ask if you accept the offer. If you accept, immediately will start the conversation with the buyer, you and me, to receive the payment and transfer the account.

    I'm a trusted seller with 100% positive feedbacks. You can check »»here in my profile«« that I'm a PlayerUp member since January 2017, I have 100% positive feedbacks, it means that I never had any problem with the buyers, 100% of them are satisfied. It means that the buyers will be more confidence buying accounts from me than from any other seller, specially because I share all my social media, any other seller do that, I share all my chat apps (WhatsApp, Discord, Messenger, Telegram, Line, Skype...), all my social networks (Facebook., Instagram., Twitter...), my mail, my phone number, my personal website (, where appears a lot of images and videos about me, as I'm a public person in my main job, any scammer would show his face on Internet, so nobody can imagine that there is some chance to be scammed by me, I am the only seller of this forum who has a public profile sharing pics and videos about myself, so the buyers will be more confidence to buy accounts from me than any other seller, specially much more than from you, if you are a new user without positive feedbacks, without any reference about you.

    I will let you know in advance all the fees for the transaction. You can tell me which is the net profit you want get and I will calculate the best selling price with an Excel spreadsheet I did, in the following pic you can see an example if you want get 250 USD as net profit. In this case would be needed put 320 USD as selling price to get 250 USD as net profit. Also I indicate the price in euros, using the rates, wich are updated every minute, plus the net profit if you want get the money in another currency or the profit if you want receive it in advance if is sold on PlayerUp. I always do this calculation in the conversations to be sure that the owner will receve the amount that wants.


    The buyer will pay you directly if they prefer other methods. I only will manage the payment to you if they pay it by PlayerUp Middleman or if there is some problem with the other payment methods, like if you not use PayPal but you use TransferWise or you have a bank account, then I will receive the money in my PayPal and send you it by TransferWise (bank transfer), with only the TransferWise fee, which approximately are $100 = 1,70 USD, $200 = 2,10 USD, $300 = 2,52 USD, $400 = 2,93 USD, $500 = 3,34 USD, $750 = 4,37 USD, $1.000 = 5,39 USD, $1.500 = 7,44 USD or $2.000 = 9,49 USD. If you want calculate exactly the TransferWise fee, the formula is 1,06 EUR fixed fee and 0,41% variable fee, then exchange to USD usign the website, por example. If the buyer prefers use PayPal directly, you will receive the money instantly, so next day you can have the money in your bank account, you will be able to use your money in less than 24 hours.

    Buying: Services & Advantages

    I can buy your account if you need the money quickly. If I have enough money in this moment, I can buy your account directly, by this way I can get a better benefit than if I only get the fee for the service. This method is only applied when you sell your account by a value of between 50% and 60% of the fair selling price. For example, if I will put the account for sale at 100 USD, I only will buy it by between 50 and 60 USD, as is needed take into account that:

    Probably will not be sold in the first week and the price will be reduced 5 USD every week, so finally will be sold at 90, 85 or 80 USD.

    PlayerUp will take a 13% fee of the amount plus the TransferWise fee, so in best of cases I will receive a maximum of 85 USD per every 100 USD. If the buyer pays it by PayPal, they will take 5,12% for the service, if is paid as product, for the buyer protection, and another 4% to exchange it from USD to EUR, PayPal will take 9,12% fee as total, so in best cases I would receive 91 USD per every 100 USD. If is an account finally sold by 90 USD after 2 weeks being for sale, once is sold by PlayerUp I will receive 76 USD, so 26 USD benefit if you sell me it at 50% of the value, or if is sold by PayPal I will receive 82 USD, so 32 USD benefit.

    It requires a time to build the thread and bump it 5 times per day every day. To bump a thread only is few seconds, so not has a lot of value, but to build a thread, update the price every week and bump it every day, at least is needed 45 minutes as total dedication, so at least it worth 7,5 USD for the effort, so if we subtract this time lost would be a total of 18,5 or 24,5 USD benefit in this example.

    It requires continue playing the account a little to not lose value. If the account is not sold enough fast will start to lose value. I not play them a lot, because would be too much time dedication, but I dedicate 5 minutes per day to, at least, get the arena rewards and use the free energy. At the end of the week it is 35 minutes, so at the end of the 2 weeks is like 1 hour. If my time has a 10 USD value per hour, it means that the benefit is reduced to 8,5 or 14,5 USD in the case of the example, so in most of cases my benefit, taking into account the time dedication, is similar to my fees also if I buy the account at 50% value.

    ● In conclusion, I cannot pay more than the 50% or 60% of the selling price, if I put it for sale at 200 USD I only can pay you between 100 and 120 USD, so I only recommend sell me accounts if you need the money instantly because you had some economy problem or simply because you don't care a lot about get a maxed benefit and you simply want sell it as soon as possible. If you want get a better benefit is needed use my selling service with the static fees for a range price, which is the best benefit that you will get, you will not get a better benefit with any other seller, as most of them apply 20% as fee as minimum.

    I can pay you by PayPal, TransferWise, Wester Union, MoneyGram...

    If you have PayPal with a bank account linked is the fast method to receive the money, as you receive instantly the money and you can withdraw it to your bank account and receive it the next work day, or if you have a PayPal Business Debit Mastercard you can use it instantly. I can pay you as friend if you apply my method to assure that you will not connect again to the account.

    I can send you a bank transfer with my bank N26 which uses TransferWise for it, or send it from TransferWise directly. Usually is instant or only delays 1 or 2 work days. You can check in their website that the fees are very low (1,06 EUR fixed fee plus 0,41% variable fee) and they use a real exchange currency rate, so if you not use USD or EUR, and you use GBP, CAD, AUD, CHF, RUB or any other currency, you will receive more money using TransferWise than PayPal.

    I can send you cash by Western Union or MoneyGram. In their websites you can check where you can collect the money, be sure you have some office near to your house with that service. The fee in these services usually is 3,5%, so also cheaper than PayPal. Is better only apply this system if you only can collect cash, if you can receive a bank transfer is better use TransferWise directly, as has less fees and is faster.

    Price Ranges

    Accounts of 39 USD or less: ¡Free for you! If your account is not very good I will like help you to sell it to get some money and make happy some buyer who wants play a cheap account. Receiving a positive feedback from PlayerUp Middleman for the transaction I will be enough happy, as it will help me in future sales. If you want send me also a positive feedback, feel free to do it. To be free is needed use Middleman and sell it by Middleman, if you not want use Middleman or the account is sold by other payment methods, the fee will be 5 USD. These accounts have less priority in my pending threads to publish, but I will publish it when I not have more pending threads to publish.

    Accounts of between 40 USD and 59 USD: 7,50 USD fee. To calculate this price is taken into account the time dedication to create the thread, usually is around 45 minutes. When I calculate my prices, I put a value in my time of 10 USD per every hour dedication, which is near to the minimum wage per hour, which on Spain is 9 USD, I put a little more as is 100% full time dedication, without any pause, is a harder time dedication than most of jobs. So as 45 minutes is 75% of 1 hour, 75% of 10 USD is 7,50 USD.

    Accounts of between 60 USD and 99 USD: 12 USD fee. In this case the price is increased because, the real thing, is that in most of times I receive less than 7,5 USD in the previous range, as PayPal applies a 4% fee when I exchange it from USD to EUR and if they are not from a SEPA zone and they pay me by EUR direcly and as friend, I say them subtract the fee applied because of send it as friend, as only is without fee when is Europe countries which use Euros. This fee usually is 2,5 USD, so I only receive 5 USD. My fee is paid as friend because is paid at the end of the process, when the buyer already has the control of the account, with a video demonstrating that the previous owner deleted the game data and not has access to the account anymore, so in this case is not needed the buyer protection to pay my fee. With 12 USD is more fair, as once applied the 2,5 USD static fee will be reduced to 9,5 USD, and with the 4% currency exchange fee from PayPal is reduced to 9 USD, so is more near (still not 100%) to the fair price for my time dedication, as futhermore than publish the thread is needed dedicate time to bump the threads every day, update the price and Middleman listing every week and, specially, all the time required during the sale process, which is explained in the next range, so, in the accounts for sale at 100 USD or less, I get less money than the deserved, but is a little to help these people to sell their accounts if they need the money for something important. In these first 3 ranges I not get the money I deserve for my time in any case, but is good enough, to not be a too much percentage of the sale, usually will be around 10%, so, anyway, 2 times cheaper than other sellers.

    Accounts of between 100 USD and 199 USD: 20 USD fee. As I said in the previous range, also is needed take into account the time required during the sale process. When I get a person interested to buy the account, is started a conversation with the owner, the buyer and me, usually by Discord. First I take the account of the owner, I link it to my guest account, and then I tell to the owner how to delete the data, doing a video screen recording, to show it to the buyer, uploading the video on YouTube, with hide visibility, by this way the buyer can be sure that the owner has not access to the account anymore. Every one of these 2 steps delays around 15 minutes, so 30 minutes as total. Then, at that moment is safe for the buyer send the money to the owner. When the payment is confirmed, I start the link with the buyer, which is another 15 minutes, so the total time dedication usually is around 45 minutes, sometimes more and is around 1 hour, but usually when delays more than 45 minutes I can do other things at same time, so the real time dedication I put in all sales is 45 minutes. So 45 minutes to publish the thread, 45 minutes to manage the sale, 15 minutes to bump the threads every day and update the prices every week, plus the 2,5 USD PayPal fee subtracted in my fee, it makes 20 USD the fair fee, as 1 hour and 45 minutes would be 17,5 USD and the PayPal fee is 2,5 USD, so this is a total of 20 USD. This fee starts to be fair, but still is not the most fair thing for my time dedication, as is needed take into account other factors which are explained in the next range.

    Accounts of between 200 USD and 499 USD: 25 USD fee. Another thing that is needed take into account is the time spending while talking with the owner for first time, is needed talk during around 15 minutes, checking the profile of the account to calculate the fair selling price, is needed ask several things to the owner to know if is interested to publish a weekly price reduction and which amount, if wants accept offers, ask some things about the account, like the remaining time zone changes, if is participating in a Arena Discord server, how old is the Arena server and other things, plus check his progress to unlock the next Legendary or Galactic Legends characters, to take it into account in the price, and only from then I can start to build the thread. Maybe is only 15 minutes, but 15 minutes is at least 2,5 USD. Is not taken into account in cheaper accounts to not make the fee too much expensive, but in the accounts from 201 to 1.000 USD I take into account all things that make me spend time.

    Other things that makes me spend time are:

    When the accounts are not sold because they found a buyer by themselves, or if the owner changed his mind and now not wants sell the account.

    When is accounts at high price and is hard find a buyer because is a lot of money, few people can pay it, so is extra time dedication bumping the threads every day.

    When is needed update the threads because are expensive accounts that delay some weeks to be sold, so they got new things meanwhile.

    When I talk with potential buyers but they finally not buy it and maybe I spent 15 minutes talking with someone who finally not bought any account.

    When I manage my Facebook. accounts to change the password for every new link and disconnect all devices, to be safe for the next and previous buyers.

    When I create new guest accounts in my BlueStacks, done automatically by a macro, which required some time to create, used to replace accounts in the game data delete process.

    is neeed take into account the investments, like:

    The PlayerUp Pro Seller Membership price, which is 100 USD per year, which is completely needed to offer a good service.

    I need 2 or 3 phones to manage correctly the accounts, which is an investment, around 600 USD as total, and extra electricity spending.

    The money invested in a PC enough good to manage my system, around 500 USD as total, with enough good processor and memory RAM.

    In conclusion, 25 USD not compensates all these things, plus the previous things in the previous ranges explanations, but is very near to it.

    Accounts of 500 USD or more: 30 USD fee. This is the real most fair fee for my time dedication and investments, if was possible I would put a 30 USD fee as static fee for all accounts in all prices, but then would be too much fee in cheap accounts, as 30 USD fee in a 100 USD account would be 30% fee, or 30 USD in a 200 USD still would be 15% fee, too much, and would be more taking into account the 10% or 15% fee from the payment platforms, so in a 180 payment my fee would 17%, the owner would take 150 USD and me 30 USD, for an account at 200 USD as selling price, so I would be getting 20% of the money that the owner got. So, to put a fair fee for every range, I accepted reduce my benefit, also if I'm not getting the money I deserve, the money I would get in any other job by the same time. Only in accounts from 1.001 USD I start to get the money deserved for my time dedication and investments, so 30 USD is not a fee increased to compensate the low fees in other ranges, the owners of 1.001+ USD accounts are not paying it, like happens in some countries where the people who win more money pay more taxes, here is not the case, 30 USD is simply the minimum deserved fee for my time dedication, and simply in other ranges I get less money than the deserved. When I buy accounts I get compensate it, as then I pay between 50% and 60% of the selling price, so I get a better benefit and it makes enough good my time dedication selling accounts.


    1) After purchase the service send me a private message, a mail or a message in some of the chat platforms that appears in the next section. I will receive a mail from PlayerUp just after your item is purchased, so I will know that is true.

    2) Write your SWGoH.GG profile or Ally Code in the message, to start to build your thread. I prefer the SWGoH.GG profile, as is easier to make the screenshots and there is more info than with only the ally code.

    3) Send me screenshots if you have some resource hoarded, like a lot of crystals, more than 5.000, or some Store currency hoarded, more than 10.000. If the hoarding is less is not needed. Also you can simply tell me it, without screenshots.

    4) Tell me how many time zone changes has your account available on Settings. This is an important info for the buyers, as if the account has not time zone changes available could not be interesting for the players who cannot play in the arena times. If it is the case, tell me how many days is needed wait until the time zone changes are reset. Also tell me in how many hours and minutes is the next arena payout, by this way I will compare the time with the time when you sent the message. You can check it pressing in the arena section, where says "Prizes (Xh Ym)", so say me the Xh Ym. Take into consideration that the account will be harder to sell in this case.

    5) Tell me how old is the arena server and if you participate in an Arena Discord Server. The longevity of the server is important to have an idea of how hard it is, specially if started only few months ago. Some people like coordinate the payouts to not be needed play too many battles every day to get the top, so they only want accounts with Arena Discord servers included.

    6) Tell me if you are the original owner of the account. Some people buy accounts and later sell them again. In these cases there is the risk that the previous owner not deleted the game data account and still has access to it. If you got the mail and password probably is safe, but if they only linked it to you with the Facebook. Connect in-game link function, without a demonstration that they deleted the game data via the Play Games Profile Delete Function, or replacing the account by a guest account if their device is Apple iOS, then is risky for the buyer and not worth buy it, specially in expensive accounts. If you are the original owner, if you built the account from the beginning, will be much more interesting for the potential buyers.

    7) Tell me if you want use the Weekly Price Reduction and/or accept Offers. I can reduce the price every Monday if the account is not sold. You can tell me if you want include this method in your account and which amount reduction you prefer, if you want reduce 5, 10, 25 or 50 USD every week, for example. Also indicate me if you want accept offers or if the selling price is the minimum you want accept

    Have a buyer or a seller?

    If you have a buyer or if while the account is for sale you get a buyer, you can use me as middleman by half of my fee as seller, by this way you will prevent scams.

    If the buyer is a scammer will not buy your account with a middleman, as they know that I know all the possible scams they can apply and how prevent them, I know how to prevent that they reclaim the refund by PayPal, they will lose the dispute if they try it, I will let you know the steps to win the dispute if it happens, I will do most of work for you if is the case, you should not accept any other payment method without buyer protection.

    They will not have access to the account until you received the money, once you linked to me your account and you deleted the game data.

    My method consist that first I link the owner account in my guest account and then I show to the owner how to delete the Play Games profile or how to replace the account by a new level 6 guest account if they use iOS or they not want lose the progress in other games of the same Play Games profile.

    A normal buyer will be more confidence to buy your account if is done with a trusted middleman, so they will accept use my method. You can show them my PlayerUp profile link to demonstrate them that I'm a trusted seller:

    If you not use me as middleman, maybe the buyer finally not does it because not trust you and they only want accept methods which are not safe for you, like give them the access before the payment, linking the account to the buyer device before received the money, then there is a lot of chance to be scammed.

    Futhermore, if you use my method and the buyer has the video where you deleted the game data, will be much more easy demonstrate that you delivered correctly the account and that you not have access anymore, so if they try to recover the money, requesting a refund by PayPal or PlayerUp, it will not work, with my system this typical scam is prevented.

    Also you can create a Middleman listing and sell it directly by a PlayerUp Middleman:

    Usually is better first create a thread, with a precise description of the account, and publish there the listing, to be sure that they will not request a refund because they are not satisfied with the item, as if you simply create a Middleman listing the PlayerUp Middleman cannot check if the account is the same than the described, if the buyer reclaims a refund they will give back the money and you will receive a negative feedback. When the buyer has the money back, can use again the account for free, if linked the account to another mail or device meanwhile, also if gives to you back the mail. If the description is accurate they cannot use this scam, as they will know exactly what are they receiving and the PlayerUp Middleman can join in the account and check that is true, or you can demonstrate it with a video.

    If you want buy an account, you can use me as middleman also at half fee, by this way you assure is not a scam. When you buy an account is much more risky be scammed than when you sell an account.

    If the seller is a scammer will not accept use a middleman, neither if is at very low fee like my fees, which would be only 12,5 USD for an account of between 200 and 499 USD or 15 USD for accounts of 500 USD or more, if they not accept this low fee means that they are scammers.

    No scammer would accept that method, as they will not have access to the account anymore after apply my method, so they cannot apply the most typical scam, which is sell the same account to several players.


    I am a trusted seller, with a lot of experience selling accounts, I know how to detect detect scams, with several methods to prevent scams, but the protection will never be 100% unless you buy some of my hoard accounts where I'm the original owner, then the protection is 100% granted and there is not any chance to be scammed, but when I help to sell accounts from other players always there is a risk, as is very easy link the same account on an Android device and a iOS device, and is very easy at same time link it in the guest account in the Android device and again in the iOS device, so you can have the account linked on 4 sites at same time, and using BlueStacks, Nox or other emulators you can make infinite guest accounts with the same account linked, creating new instances, plus link to several different Google Play Games profiles and different Apple IDs, so if the scammer is enough intelligent is very easy do a scam, also if you use me as midddleman, using PayPal at same time for the buyer protection, or if you use a PlayerUp Middleman purchasing insurances at same time, as these protection methods have a maximum of 180 days buyer protection with PayPal, so maybe the scammer can wait 180 days and sell it again, and nobody will help you in this case, you will not get a refund, because the buyer protection time will be expired.

    If it happens, you should know the risk from the beginning and don't send negative feedbacks to me or PlayerUp, as we cannot do anything to prevent that. 98% or 99% of times the players are normal persons, who like Star Wars and simply want be fun buying an account or are bored, they cannot play and want sell it, people who only has it linked in 1 mail, who after delete the account on that mail will not have access anymore, but always there is 1% of 2% of people who are bad people, sociopath, scammers, who want stole your money, and probably 90% of them are newbies, who do scams that never works because are easily detected or rejected, but maybe 10% of them are professional scammers who know all the methods that I know and that will stole your money if they want.

    If you buy accounts from trusted sellers with tens or hundreds of positive feebacks you can be sure that is a safe transaction, but
    never you can know if the original owner is a normal person or a scammer who is trying sell the same account several times, so if something bad happens try to be aware of it and don't send a negative feedback to the seller or this site, because if we have 100% positive feebacks since a lot of years ago it means that we never had a problem, if we have some is not because we did something wrong, simply is because the seller was a professional scammer, and there nothing we can do, so try to be fair with the sellers and this site if it happens.

    If you want be 100% sure that you will not lose the money, you can do it by PlayerUp Middleman and include a 365 days insurance. There the problem is that the seller will be the scammed, as when you reclaim the money, will not be possible recover it if I paid the owner by bank transfer, for example, but you will have this protection at least. If something happens you will have 100% of the money back.

    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.00 or Less) = $19.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.01 to $300.00) = $29.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $300.01 to $600.00) = $79.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $600.01 or $1000.00) = $129.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $1000.01 or Higher) = $199.99


    Discord: Quim#3389

    WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56



    Line: QUIMLC

    Skype: QUIMLC



    Mail: [email protected]
    #1 QLC, 11/27/20
    Last edited: 3/13/21
  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Buyer security

    In my system, to be sure that nobody will connect in your account again, when I sell accounts from other players, I always talk with the original owner by some chat app (Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram., Twitter, Telegram, Line, Skype, etc.) to assure that deleted the game data via the "Delete your Play Games profile and data" Google function. I request a video screen recording about how does that process, later I upload the video on YouTube to demonstrate to the buyer that the owner deleted the data. You can read more about this function here:

    Then, the owner will have the account reset to level 1 and will not be able to access again. If the owner has an iOS device, has other game progress saved in the same Google Play Games profile, so not wants delete it, or has some problem and cannot delete the data of the account, I will do a new Guest account and replace the account by that Guest account, so neither will be able to access to the account.

    Also is an extra protection for the owner, for if the buyer tries to recover the money when already has the account linked to the device, then the owner will have a proof, thanks to the video and the chat logs, to demonstrate that delivered correctly the account, this type of scam never works in my system, already happened 3 times, they tried to scam me, and all times I won the PayPal disputes, so will not work thanks to these proof. When the transfer process is completed I do a video screen recorder with all chat conversations with the owner and the buyer to have proofs if are needed, to prevent that some part delete the messages before open a dispute. If they try some scam I always will have the videos hidden in my YouTube channel ready to demonstrate that all the process was legit and correct, so in 100% of cases the scammer will lose the dispute. My system is 99% protected against the scams, you can check more info about these protections in the following explanations.

    In the following video you can check an example about how works this Google Play Games profile delete function which is useful to demonstrate that the owner deleted the game data and that not has access anymore. First of all is needed show the mail in the accounts selector, then join in the account of that mail and show the account, pressing in the nickname to show the arena ranks and ally code. Just after join in the Google Play Games app, connect to the same mail, press on "Profile", press on "Settings", in the "Your data" section press on "Delete Play Games account & data" and in the "Delete Play Games account & all data" press on "Permanently delete", when ask "Are you sure you want to delete this account?" press again in "Permanently delete". After it, or when you join again in the game with the same account, Google Play Games will request "Create a gamer ID". Is needed put a name (or use the random name) and press on "Create". Then, on "Friends and your privacity" press on "Only you", press on "No" and press "Next". After it, will appear an "Account Bind" question asking if you want start a "New Game" or "Continue Game", which means that the account has been reset to level 1. The best here is press in "Continue Game" to show that you not have the account linked to the guest account neither. Is needed wait until the account loads and if shows some other low level account or any other account will be enough to demonstrate that you not have it linked anymore. You can check all this process in the following video. Exactly the same is applied in all accounts I'm selling, if I'm the owner I do it by myself, if I'm not the owner I show to the owner how to do it, sends me the video, I edit it and I upload in on YouTube to show to the buyer the demonstration:


    In this process there is the option that, first of all,
    the owner links the account to my device and then deletes the Google Play Games profile with a video screen recording, so from then only me have access to the account.

    I send the video to the buyer to
    demonstrate that the owner deleted the data. From this moment is 100% safe for the buyer send the money to the owner. If the money is sent via PayPal there is double protection, as is included 180 days buyer protection. If is needed pay it by other methods also is safe enough thanks to this system. In this money sent is not included my fee as seller, the buyer pays it in a second part when has the control of the account. After it starts the link to the buyer device, with the instructions that I send by private message.

    When the account is linked to the buyer device, pays my fee as seller and I do a new video showing how I replace my Guest account by another Guest account, by this way the buyer can be sure that the owner and me not have access anymore to the account.

    This method also is applied in iOS devices to link and replace accounts or when the owner has the progress of other games saved in the same Google Play Games profile and not wants delete it to not lose these progress. In this video you can see an example about how I do this process with my 2 phones:


    This function also can be used to continue using the same mail, if you want keep your main mail to connect to the game and you don't care about replace your current account. Also is possible first move the current account to another mail and then move the new account to your main mail, as you want, I will help you during all the process.

    I not sell the mail and password directly because could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an asian account and was purchasing items in the Store with the asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better create your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or continue using your main mail, deleting previously the Google Play Games profile. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the Store if you not use your own mail.

    Also you can check in my PlayerUp profile that I not have any negative feedback, 100% are positive, tens of positive feedbacks, you can check that I'm a verified Pro Seller Silver member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts, all are happy with the transactions, so it means that I never had any problem with the buyers and that you can be sure that I'm a trusted seller, if I was not a trusted seller I would have some negative feedback, the first thing that would do an unsatisfied buyer would be write a negative feedback in my profile, but this is not the case, never happened, 100% are positive, so you can be sure that all process where I'm involved, like when the buyer links to my device the account or when I delete the account in my device, all these process are 100% secure, you not have any reason to be worried about it.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. Any scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Pro Seller" membership means that I pay 100 USD yearly to have some advantages as seller
    , you can check them »»here««.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total accounts sold is around 3 or 4 times my PlayerUp feedbacks.

    All these indications means that I'm a trusted, legit, verified and professional seller.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:
    #2 QLC, 11/27/20
    Last edited: 1/30/21
  3. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Selling price vs Net profit


    Selling price: Price in the PlayerUp tag and Middleman listing.

    PlayerUp: Middleman fee, which is 13% of the selling price.

    TransferWise: TransferWise fee, which is 1,05 USD fixed fee for USD payments or 0,35 EUR fixed fee for EUR payments. The variable fee is applied once subtracted the PlayerUp fee.

    You have the option to request the payment by PayPal, which is 1,99 EUR as fixed fee when I send it as friend on USA,
    Canada and Europe, or 3,99 EUR in rest of countries, but take into account that PayPal applies a 4% currency exchange fee, usually I can send the money by EUR or USD without currency exchange fee if I have enough money, sending it as friend, only if your account is not very expensive, like if is less than 300 USD, but if you want receive the money in any other currency is better receive it directly in your bank account, doing the transfer with TransferWise, as they use a real currency conversion rate, without fees, so you will receive more money if you receive the money in your bank account than in your PayPal account. If your account is expensive, like more than 300 USD, probably I will not have enough EUR or USD to send you the money by PayPal and will be needed send it directly by TransferWise, which is a cheaper fee. If your only option is PayPal there is the option to send the money in my N26 bank account, which is Euros account, so will be applied a 0,42% fee for the currency exchange and then 0,35 EUR for the transfer. The transfer will be instant. Then, PayPal will apply a 1,99 EUR fee for the transaction, plus 4% fee if you not use EUR or USD.

    Seller: My fee as seller, with a fixed fee for a range of price, already explained in the first post.

    Net profit (USD): The money you will receive once subtracted the PlayerUp fee, the TransferWise fee applied when PlayerUp sends the money to my TransferWise account (1,05 USD), my fee as Seller and the TransferWise fee applied when I send the money to your bank account with my balance, which will be another 1,05 USD or 0,35 EUR. Below you can check the conversion in EUR, using for the conversion. When I send you the personalized calculation the rate will be updated.

    Receive in advance: If your account is sold by PlayerUp Middleman and has a value of less than 500 USD once applied the PlayerUp and TransferWise fees, the money will delay around 3 weeks to be received in my TransferWise account, moment when I can send you the money with a bank transfer, with only the TransferWise fee, or by PayPal. If you prefer receive the money quicker, there is the option to send you it immediately (once the buyer confirmed the delivery) by only 8% fee. In that field is calculated that 8%, so you can check how many money will you receive. Below is indicated the amount in Euros. This 8% is to compensate that during these 3 weeks I will not be able to use the money and invest it in other accounts.

    PayPal: The fee that PayPal will apply to you when the buyer pays you as product/service, which usually is around 5%, you can check the exact fees »»here««.

    Discounŧ: If you accept put PlayerUp Middleman as payment option, to increase the chance to sell the account on the buyers who prefer this security method, plus to have the sticky status to appear in the top of the forum, the selling price in the thread will be the price taking into account the PlayerUp fee, which is 13%. If you not want use this method, because your account has a value of less than 500 USD and you not want wait 3 weeks to receive the money, or you not want pay my 8% extra fee to receive the money in advance, then the price tag on PlayerUp would be the PayPal price. To know the net profit only would be needed subtract the 5% PayPal fee and my fee as seller. But if you want use PlayerUp Middleman as one of the payment options, then the selling price is higher than a PayPal price, as the PlayerUp fee is 13%, when the PayPal fee is 5%, so when someone wants pay the account by PayPal directly is applied a discounŧ, which is 8% plus the TransferWise fee, by this way the net profit is exactly the same in both methods. It makes more interesting for the buyers pay the account by PayPal, as they will get this discounŧ and the account will be cheaper for them, like if they want pay a 100 USD account, the discounŧ will be 10 USD if they pay it by PayPal directy, and will be more if they want use PayPal as payment option on PlayerUp, as PlayerUp applies another 3% as fee when the accounts are paid by PayPal, so the total money saving will be 13 USD.

    Net profit (not USD): Is the net profit you will get if your main currency is not USD. When you exchange your USD balance to another currency, PayPal will apply a 4% fee for the conversion. You can check the currency conversion fees »»here««. If the buyer not use USD, then will be the same send the money in your currency than send USD, as in both cases will be applied a 4% fee, so in this case the buyer pays the fee and you will skip it, like if the buyer is from Germany and you are from Russia, then the buyer will send RUB directly, is not needed send USD, as the main currency is EUR. Below is indicated the net profit in Euros.

    "USD to EUR" & "EUR to USD": Is the current currency exchange rate. I get it automatically from, where the rate is updated every minute, so when I send you the calculation always you will see the rates updated. Take into account that when the account is sold maybe the benefit in Euros is a little lower if the rate is lower.
    #3 QLC, 12/5/20
    Last edited: 1/27/21
  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

    155   0   0

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    Accounts for Sale

    15 USD - Service to sell accounts, by only a very low static fee, not percentages. Also I buy accounts.

    15 USD - Service to sell accounts (no MM), by a very low static fee, not percentages. Also I buy accounts.

    Normal accounts

    The accounts where I indicate "¿Owner? Yes" means that I bought these accounts and that I applied a method to assure that the original owner deleted the game data, to assure that will not access again to the account.

    40 USD - Cheap Level 85 accounts with a lot of resources hoarded
    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes

    650 USD - 5,5M GP Ult JMLS, Ult SLKR, JKL, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 04 Jan 2021 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    675 USD - 5,7M GP with Ult JMLS, Ult GL Rey, JKL, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1
    Started: 28 Dec 2020 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    725 USD - 6,2M GP Ult JMLS, Ult Rey, JKL, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 04 Jan 2021 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    725 USD - 6,6M GP with GL Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Ult GL Rey, JKL, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Negotiator
    Started: 28 Dec 2020 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    900 USD - 6,8M GP with Ult JMLS, Ult Rey, SLKR on farming, JKL, GAS, Malak, 132 zetas, 80 G13, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 25 Jan 2021 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    1.000 USD - 7,0M GP with Ult SEE, Ult SLKR, JMLS, GAS, JKL, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 20 Dec 2020 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    1.200 USD - 6,6M GP Ult JMLS, Ult Rey, Ult SEE, not far to SLKR, GAS, JKL, Negotiator, 139 zetas, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 26 Jan 2021 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    1.700 USD - 6,7M GP with all 4 GLs unlocked with Ult: JMLS, SEE, SLKR and Rey, 129 zetas, 103 G13, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 21 Dec 2020 Sold: No ¿Owner? No

    Hoard accounts

    60 USD - Cheap Hoard accounts lvl 25 (1-Round 2020) with 5 stars Kenobi, Traya, Solo -- Best cheap start
    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes

    120 USD - Hoard accounts lvl 25 (2-Rounds 2020) with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Solo - Dominate Squad and Fleet

    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes

    129 USD - Hoard accounts lvl 25 (3-Rounds 2021) with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Han -- Best Resources Ever
    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes

    100 USD - Hoard accounts lvl 25 (1-Round 2020) with 5 stars Kenobi, Traya, Han -- Special Offer for 2 accounts

    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes

    200 USD - Hoard accounts lvl 25 (2-Rounds 2020) with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Han - Special Offer for 2 accounts

    Type: Permanent ¿Owner? Yes


    I add this list in all threads at same time, but I only update them 3 times per week.
    I only keep the list always fully updated in the following thread:
    #4 QLC, 1/14/21
    Last edited: 1/28/21
  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

    155   0   0

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    Sold accounts

    300 USD - 4.7M GP with Ult SLKR, halfway SEE, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, 87 zetas, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 26 Jan 2021 Sold: 27 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    1.500 USD - 7,2M GP with almost 4 GLs: Ult JMLS, Ult R8 SLKR, Ult Rey and very near to SEE, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 27 Dec 2020 Sold: 11 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    560 540 USD - 4,8M GP with Ult Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Top 5), near to Sith Eternal Emperor, Malevolence (Rank 1)
    Started: 27 Dec 2020 Sold: 10 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    450 USD - 6,8M GP with Ult GL SLKR, Ult GL Rey, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 fleet
    Started: 06 Jan 2021 Sold: 09 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    400 USD - 4,7M GP Ult GL Rey, near to JMLS, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 05 Jan 2021 Sold: 08 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    140 USD - 2,9M GP with General Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Negotiator, Rank 1 fleet
    Started: 07 Jan 2021 Sold: 08 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    100 USD - 3,5M GP with Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Grievous, CLS, JTR, a good account to start to work in some GL
    Started: 07 Jan 2021 Sold: 07 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    450 USD - 5M GP with Ult JMLS, Ult SLKR, JKL, GAS, Padme, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1
    Started: 27 Dec 2020 Sold: 03 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    200 USD - 1,7M GP Hoard account with Relic 7 Mandalorians, joined at 05 Sep 2020, Han MF, HT, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 29 Dec 2020 Sold: 02 Jan 2021 ¿Owner? No

    250 USD - 4,4M GP with GAS, JKR, DR, Malak, Grievous, Padme, Wat, Negotiator, Malevolence, Rank 1 Fleet
    Started: 11 Dec 2020 Sold: 26 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (Giorgos)

    60 USD - 0,9M GP lvl 85 with 20.000 Crystals in old arena server easy get JKR DR and improve the ranks soon
    Started: 12 Dec 2020 Sold: 26 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (Sindeel)

    220 USD - 3,9M GP with GAS, JKR, DR, Malak, Padme, Negotiator, 22 G13, 26 G12, can get TOPs in Arena
    Started: 16 Dec 2020 Sold: 23 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (Bonka)

    200 USD - 5,5M GP with Ult GL Rey, JKR, DR, Malak, Padme, Wat, Grievous, Malevolence, Negotiator...
    Started: 20 Dec 2020 Sold: 22 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (nomorecards)

    700 USD - 6,1M GP with Ult GL Rey, GL JMLS, GAS, JKL, JKR, DR, Malak, Malevolence, Negotiator, Rank 1 arenas
    Started: 16 Dec 2020 Sold: 22 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (cosmicslayer)

    2.500 2.000 USD - 8M GP with 4 Galactic Legends, one of the best accounts of SWGoH: 139 G13, 52 G12, 149 Zetas...
    Started: 16 Dec 2020 Sold: 19 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (Ian)

    160 USD - Hoard account lvl 85 with HDB joined in 09 December server with Jedi Knight Revan and Rank 1 daily
    Started: 18 Dec 2020 Sold: 19 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (DΣΛƬΉЩΛƬᄃΉ)

    140 USD - Hoard accounts lvl 25 (2-Rounds 2019) with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Solo -- Dominate the Arenas
    Type: Permanent
    Sold: 15 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    310 300 USD - 5M GP with SLKR, GAS, JKR, DR, Malak, Padme, JTR, Grievous, Negotiator, Malevolence, Rank 1 Arenas
    Started: 26 Nov 2020 Sold: 14 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (slepoypyu)

    125 115 USD - 3,3M GP with Jedi Revan, Darth Revan, Malak, JTR, CLS, Wampa, Grievous, Geonosians, KRU, Bossk...
    Started: 04 Dec 2020 Sold: 13 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? No (MtaAH)

    180 USD - 5,1M GP with JKR, Darth Revan, Malak, Padme, Grievous, JTR, Tambor, Negotiator, HMF, TOP 50 Arenas
    Started: 22 Nov 2020 Sold: 12 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    230 USD - 5,6M GP with GAS, JKR, DR, Malak, Grievous, Padme, JTR, Wat, Negotiator, Malevolence, Rank 1 Fleet
    Started: 22 Nov 2020 Sold: 11 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    100 90 USD - 2,2M GP with R7 Padme, Geonosians, Troopers, Wat Tambor, Negotiator, TOP 10 in Arena, TOP 5 Fleet

    Started: 22 Nov 2020 Sold: 10 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    160 120 USD - 5M GP with JKR, DR, Malak, Padme, Grievous, Geonosians, JTR, CLS, 20 G13, 47 G12, Negotiator...
    Started: 04 Dec 2020 Sold: 09 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    72 USD - 2,4M GP lvl 85 account with a good variety of Squad Arena and Fleet Arena teams
    Started: 19 Nov 2020 Sold: 05 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    38 USD - New account with the Hyperdrive Bundle 1M GP TOP 200 in Arena and TOP 25 in Fleet Arena
    Started: 20 Nov 2020 Sold: 04 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    38 USD - Recent lvl 85 account 1M GP with the Hyperdrive Bundle TOP 150 in Squad Arena and TOP 10 in Fleet
    Started: 20 Nov 2020 Sold: 03 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    38 USD - 1M GP with the Hyperdrive Bundle Recently joined in Arena, TOP 75 in Arena and TOP 10 in Fleet Arena
    Started: 20 Nov 2020 Sold: 02 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    35 USD - Cheap 1,5 million GP account with Padme, CLS and a good variety of characters
    Started: 20 Nov 2020 Sold: 01 Dec 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    38 USD - 1M GP with the Hyperdrive Bundle Recently joined in Arena, TOP 75 in Arena and TOP 10 in Fleet Arena
    Started: 20 Nov 2020 Sold: 30 Nov 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    230 180 USD - 5,2M GP with GL Rey on farming, GAS, JKR, DR, Malak, Padme, Grievous, TOP 50 Arena, Rank 1 in Fleet
    Started: 23 Nov 2020 Sold: 28 Nov 2020 ¿Owner? No (Luckky)

    90 USD - 2,4M GP with full R7 JK Revan and Darth Revan, Mandalorian, Negotiator, TOP 25 Arena, TOP 50 Fleet
    Started: 22 Nov 2020 Sold: 27 Nov 2020 ¿Owner? Yes

    30 USD - Very cheap lvl 70 account with 5 stars GK, Han, Traya, with Phoenix, Bastila, Thrawn, Geononosians
    Started: 22 Nov 2020 Sold: 26 Nov 2020 ¿Owner? Yes
    #5 QLC, 1/15/21
    Last edited: 1/28/21
  6. 99Longjohn99

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    My Location:
    Be aware of this seller. Almost 3 months ago, seller told me that account will be ready and given to me in 2 months, but now after 2 months he is looking for excuses because of the pandemic situation etc. (that in my opinion is not a credible factor since it is digital good that wasnt affected by pandemic situation in any way or form). He did not contacted me for 2 months, no progress updates on acoount, no feedback, not a word from him. And when was time for providing me an account, he wrote to me that he had health issues, but if he have had it, he could write to me sooner not when it was time to complete deal (i would understand it then, but now it sounds to me like an excuse, because as it seems to me bit more than he can chew). When i told him that i will open dispute, he said to me that he won´t return my money till the last day of dispute if i do so (i can also provide screenshots of chat with him). I already contacted paypal about it and am now waiting for the resolution. And yeah, he also deleted me from discord.

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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