Selling  100+ Games  Global  PS4 Assassin s Creed Valhalla (PS4 Mod)- Max SP/MP/Resources/Crafting Materials

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by asoli332, 11/27/20.

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  1. asoli332

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    You are buying Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (PS4) Mod, the game is not included
    This service will not affect your In-game progress or trophies
    100% safe and satisfaction guaranteed


    Mod Menu:
    Max Skill Points
    Max Mastery Points

    Max Resources

    You need at least one of that resource to use the cheat.

    Raw Materials
    Max Crafting Materials

    You need at least one of that material to use the cheat.
    Carbon Ingot
    Iron Ore
    Nickel Ingot
    Tungsten Ingot

    We will need your PS4 save data for this service, here are the two options:

    Option 1: PSN

    Step 1: Upload save data to online storage
    To use this feature, you must subscribe to PlayStation®Plus.
    1. Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data on System Storage and select Upload to Online Storage.
    2. Select a game or application.
    3. Set a check mark beside each saved data that you wish to upload, or choose to Select All.
    4. Select Upload.
    5. "Do you want to overwrite this saved data" will display if the file you're uploading was previously uploaded to Online Storage. If this happens, select Yes to replace the version in Online Storage.

    Step 2: Download the moded save data to system storage
    1. Go to [Settings] > [Application Saved Data Management] > [Saved Data in Online Storage] > [Download to System Storage].
    2. Select a game.
    3. Set check marks beside the data you wish to download or [Select All].
    4. Select [Download].
    5. "Do you want to overwrite this saved data?" will display if the file you're downloading already exists in PS4 system storage. If this happens, select [Yes] to replace the version in system storage.

    Option 2: USB

    Step 1: Copy save data to USB Storage Device
    You must be signed in to the PlayStation™Network to use this feature.
    1. Connect a USB storage device to the PS4™ system.
    2. Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage Device.
    3. Select a game or application.
    4. Set check marks beside the data you wish to copy or Select All.
    5. Select Copy.
    6. "Do you want to overwrite this saved data" will display if the file you're copying already exists on the USB storage device. If this happens,select Yes to replace the version in USB storage.

    Step 2: Copy the moded save data to System Storage
    1. Go to [Settings] > [Application Saved Data Management] > [Saved Data on USB Storage] > [Copy to System Storage].
    2. Select a game.
    3. Set check marks beside the data you wish to copy or [Select All].
    4. Select [Copy].
    5. "Do you want to overwrite this saved data?" will display if the file you're copying already exists in PS4 system storage. If this happens. select [Yes] to replace the version in system storage.

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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