Hey! LOOKING FOR PERFECT ZERO CITY ACC THAT ALWAYS WINS IN ARENA? ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY! You will never see a 7050000+ M Acc for Sale! -Lots Of Legendary Armour -Always WIN ARENA, Can even beat higher power like peanuts - Easily clear rails upto lvl 15 to 17 (after 18 lvl you will face 8m+ possible to beat them with gas ) -All Arena MPW & Many Events Mpw -many events armours -2 BACK STAB MPW From Arena as well! -Lots Of legendary & epic Chips -800+ Legendary Perks to Upgrade Chips! - Easily Clean Tunnels -3.1m OFFICER -8x LVL 100 GYM DWELLERS - LOTS OF FOOD CRATES! - ALL BEST 3 AR in THE GAME. I have spent over 10000$+ no this account + Year plus of Efforts To Play The Game! I am asking for 1500$ Only I am selling it because i will be having no time to play this game due to work now. HOW YOU WILL RECIEVE ACCOUNT? Acc is linked to Facebook. I will provide you my FB Login You can add your own phone number/email in Facebook. and VOILA!