Sold 47 legendary heroes, 2 Arbiter, 358 spd, top item s, platinum

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Qwenny, 7/11/21.

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  1. Qwenny

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    1) legendary heroes - 47
    2) epic heroes - 96
    3) account level - 89
    4) clan boss 5 one key (auto)
    5) clan boss 6 two keys (auto)
    6) Great Hall - 143
    7) FB has no binding
    8) spider - 50 sec. (auto 25)
    9) dragon - 60 sec. (auto 24/25)
    10) lava - 3 min. (auto 25)
    11) ice golem - 1,5 min. (auto 24/25)
    12) faction war 675-819
    13) Tower - passed the easy level / 110 auto on hard
    14) Six Star Heroes - 72
    15) legendary heroes with books - 17
    18) Epic heroes with books - 32
    19) Talented heroes - 34...

    47 legendary heroes, 2 Arbiter, 358 spd, top item's, platinum
    #1 Qwenny, 7/11/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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