Sold 47.5 + multiple others 40 + bonds

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/BarrinTyphon, 4/22/23.

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  1. /u/BarrinTyphon

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    Account has a lot of the recent top players. Also has 1335 dbs (1330 free - 5 paid / only legit non of those stolen/# cc scam).

    17 Katagiris + 5 Tamotsu Ide + Several hundred SSR black balls.

    I don't seem to be able to post screenshots (sorry, i am reddit noob).

    Mixed team: S-Solidarity T-Type NJ: 69% + 47.5%. 1,462,833

    Club: S-Solidarity Club players S: 69% + 43.5% . 1.528.864

    NJ: S-Solidarity T-Type NJ: 69% + 41.5% . 1.496.338

    Europe: S-Solidarity T-Type NJ: 69% + 44% w/ -6% opp, 1.464.801

    You can check out the teams with friend id: 296.716.940

    Outside of the PVP team a lot of players are not optimized as far as skill transfer goes (e.g. I have S-Rank Header for Hyuga but did simply not place it on him yet). If you have any questions about certain players, skill ranks etc. pls let me know. Only interested in selling.

    # #/BarrinTyphon
    # .
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