As the title says i'm selling a very rare account. Gold Border 4 Stars , Level 1670 DPS account with FAKE ID(can't be recovered ,100%safe), Fake phone number attached (eligible for top500 any region), INVISIBLE BATTLETAG( when you eliminate someone there is no name on the killfeed next to your character icon) . The account has almost 100% unlocks for all heroes, many golden weapons,old sprays,rare icons. Golden weapons: Ana,Ashe,Baptiste,Doomfist,Echo,Genji,Hanzo,Junkrat,Lucio,Mccree,Mercy,Moira,Reaper,Roadhog,Sigma,Soldier,Tracer,Widowmaker,Winston,Zarya,Zennyata. Competitive points: 597 available. Rank: Platinum all roles. Please look carefully through the imgur post. Everything is in there. All details about it can be found here: Price 300$ . Hi, my name is LORD ONI known seller for a long time in the OW market. Never had bad reviews and can provide my repcord profile to show my reps . Here is my discord LORD ONI#1001 ,add me if you want to buy it . Paypal payment accepted .