I turned $300 into $100,000+ in a month and a half by betting on sports. AMA Almost all of my bets are here: https://docs.google.com/…/1swUKnh7z2UPRVI8Tlui-VxdU5A…/edit… Update: spreadsheet fully updated to include this weekend's plays. Also, I am not trying to sell my picks or anything. I'd just like to share my story. I am writing an article about this and hoping someone picks it up. ! ↓ https://record.revenuenetwork.com/_g3THwsBu2Gb97H-d5Ks7M…/1/ Edit #2: If you look at the "Pick" column in my spreadsheet, the plays highlighted in a blue shade are lucky wins and the ones in a purple shade are losses that I can't believe happened. I will never forget any of those.