Sold 45k Brawlstars with 230+ skins for sale, read description for full detail

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/FineCoach, 12/24/24.

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  1. /u/FineCoach

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    46.500+ trophies 2018-2019 Account 87/87 Brawlers, 32 maxed brawlers 134/172 Starpower 143/173 Gadgets *️⃣70 Gears - including epic/mythic gears Skins : 230+ skins !!! Including 2018/2019 and first brawlpass skins : - 40/70 rare skins - 69/114 super rare skins - 92/189 epic skins - 7/28 mythic skins - 6/30 legendary skins - 6/84 True silver skins⚪️ - 3/84 True gold skins (Spike-Leon-Crow) - 6 Hypercharge skins (3 Mortis / 2 Edgar / 1 Rico) 550 - 600 pins, including 380+ collector pins ️240-250 Profile Icon 100+ Sprays!

    Hypercharge details : - Shelly - Bull - Broke - El Primo - Barley - Rosa - Jessy - Dynamike - Darryl - Penny - Jacky - Emz - Stu - Frank - Bibi - Nani - Edgar - Maisie - Pearl - Mortis - Gene - Max - Sprout - Lou - Gray - Spike - Crow - Leon - Surge - Cordelius - Janet > unlocked, Brawler Power Lvl 9

    Gmail associated to the account sold with the supercell ID, mail address change is available, no supercell account protection with a phone number, and enough gems for a name change aswell. 23 drops from the Christmas Clan event to open tomorrow, the account will eventually be more expensive depending on the skins/hypercharges obtained tomorrow if still unsold.

    Revolut/Bank Transfer/Lydia/Paysafecard available

    # #/FineCoach
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