Selling  Android and iOS  High End Account for the future Whale

Discussion in 'Rise of Kingdoms Lost Crusade Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NitroM, 8/17/20.

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  1. NitroM

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    If you want to get real pleasure from the game Rise of Kingdoms, then this account is for you.

    This account is the result of smart money investment, active play and patience.
    He gave me a lot of fun and pleasure and now he can give it to you too.

    I'm not selling a game that I have already played enough, because this account still has everything ahead.

    And here is your legend:
    Your city is now in a young, friendly and multi-national kingdom 168X, which will soon start KVK2, but if you want to change the kingdom, you have 12 # pages for this.
    The nation is Germany, but your specialty will be infantry. Therefore, you will change the nation to France later when you achieve your goals.
    You have vip15 and this means that every day you get 3 legendary sculptures.
    You have 4 legendary commanders already maximum and 5 more are waiting in the wings and over 100 legendary sculptures in items
    Now you are working on Alexander, he is already 5552 and in the kingdom is now the second wheel with him. For this wheels, you have over 150K gems on your account.
    In 2 weeks, the MGE will begin on Konstantin( he already 5511), but you will take part second MGE, after you win the Legendary City Theme in Power Event in September for Second ROK Birthday.
    To do this, you have over 2700 days of speed ups and over 6 billion resources. if you use all these boosters and resources wisely you can push your power up to 80-90 million
    But most importantly, your power is 43 million - yes, you are still a T4 player, but this is your advantage. Because at the power event you will be able to get more than 4 million in building and more than 15 million in science, and this will help you win and take your Legendary theme. And yes, your castle is ready to be upgraded to level 25.
    Also, you have more than 3 million T4 troops, which you will up to T5 in the MGE and take your 180 sculptures of Constantine.
    If you are an active player, then you have about 400K action points in items for you, and if you wish, you can get to the top in the KVK and get even more jewels by killing barbarians.
    Also, you can try your luck in the tavern and for this you have more than 500 golden keys …
    And many more materials and ammunition, books of experience and gold stars about 1000.
    Also you have a junior player about 20mill / vip12 / 1000 + days and several farms …

    And so if you liked this legend and If you are ready to buy yourself real pleasure here is my discord:NitroN#8618
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  2. OP

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    Please, contact with me only if you real buyer and ready to use middleman service of this portal.
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  3. OP

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    My Location:
    Last Update:
    43 mill power/ vip15/ 4mill t4/ 100k+gems/ 2900days+ speedups/ 7bill+ rss/ 350k+ ap/ 600+ golden keys
    If you are interested - hurry up, because the offer will be open until September 5
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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