Selling  State 271, Hq lvl 30

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevin Chou, 8/10/20.

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  1. Kevin Chou

    Kevin Chou
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    My Location:
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    going into HQ 27.

    Food: 1 billion+;
    Wood: 1 billion+;
    Metal: 345 million+;
    Gas: 110 million+;
    stress free building/troops upgrades. :)

    Battle Power: 35 million+, this contain army of 311k level 8 troops.

    Chief level 32: with lots of chief experience saved from 60 days of playing, capable of level up maybe if not more than 7 levels.
    this translates lot's of stamina whenever needed.

    speed ups:
    Troops training: 62 hours;
    Troops healing: 55 hours;
    Research: 175 hours;
    Building: 7 hours;
    Generics: 1.5 hours.

    The speed-ups will put you in top 50 in an State of Survival event or in top 5 in alliance throwdown event.

    Heros: working into Generals (the last rank) for Epic heros. and contain 4 legendary heros: Maddie; Trish; Nikola; Jeb
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