Selling   457 Legendary (29 golden) (missing ones from first 5 expansions) | 183k Dust

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kaitynodebully, 10/13/22.

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  1. kaitynodebully

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    Price : €120

    Add me in discord if interested

    I've started playing at the end of "The Grand Tournament" expansion.

    If requested I can buy the "Murder at Castle Natria" expansions normal pre-order bundle which includes 2 legendaries and 60 packs.

    My collection's missing legendaries are mostly useless legendaries plus the nerfed ones. I have built most of the # decks during expansion time. I've disenchanted most of the nerfed legendaries in order to get full dust refund.

    You can create more than 114 legendaries with extra dust. An expansion contains 25 legendaries. Which means you don't need to pay for expansion for at least 5 expansions (1.5 years).

    Total Collection:

    - 57 level 30 mercenaries (8 fully maxed out, most of them are close to maxed out).

    - I have lots of card backs and custom coins including the legendary card back.

    - 9+ Arena tickets. I don't know how many since game says 9+ only.
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