Selling  High End  2014 Selling roblox account for 125$ i used about 2500$ on it, so its VERY cheap

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by williamsm20, 8/10/20.

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  1. williamsm20

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    As said im selling it for 125$ and i used about 2500$ on it. the account name is williamsm20. i'm not playing the game anymore so i dont rly need an account, and if i need one i'll just make a new one. i know 99$ for a 2500$ account prob sounds to good to be true, but like i tried to sell an account for 250$ and it really did not work out. so hmu on discord: b0dum#0594 for more information and if you're interested. Account name on roblox: williamsm20
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