Selling  Android VIP 8, TOP 3 Guild, S43, 8x E5, 4.1m Power

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JS#21984, 7/22/20.

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  1. JS#21984

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    VIP 8 (near 9), level 248

    Heroes & Shards:
    E5 Belrain
    E5 Amenra
    E5 Aspen
    E5 Carrie
    E5 Garuda 2x
    E5 UniMaxx
    E5 Aida
    E4 Drake
    10* Tara
    10* Elyvia
    10* Heartwatcher
    10* Ithaqua
    9* Russel

    several hero shards (3x Carrie etc.)
    23.000x 4* shards

    approx. 1000x every 3* shards

    and many more copies and shards...

    Other stuff:
    379x glory relics
    87x prophet orb
    307x heroic scroll
    66.000 guild coins
    2977x arena token
    65x soul stone

    Monster: maxed Deer, maxed Phoenix, Dragon Lvl 177 (2 Skills maxed, Speed Lv 30)
    11.700 gems
    2569M gold
    ida overseer frame +3 (almost 4)
    highest sl 20 (dark)
    aspen dungeon hell
    tower level 621

    july growth plan available

    For screenshots and infos, add me on Discord: Kaiza#6905
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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