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Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thewitchhunter, 7/14/20.

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  1. thewitchhunter

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    My Location:
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    Looking to sell my MSF account. It's a launch day account that I played for around 840 days now.

    TCP 7m
    STP 450k

    138/138 characters unlocked
    104/138 characters at max star rank
    No characters below 4YS (well, except X-23 but she'll be at 4YS as soon as her Blitz starts this week)!

    10x 6RS (BB, Carnage, JJ, CM, IM, Woverine, GG, Kree Reaper, Mercenary Soldier)
    30x 5RS
    63x 4RS

    3x T14 (Hela, Minn-Erva, Phoenix)
    30x T13

    Nearly all characters at least lvl 65, many at lvl 70-75. Only 10 characters are between lvl 42-49 (a few Hand and Ravager minions, Mercenary Sniper, Nobu, Nebula).

    Also there are plenty of resources:
    Gold ~4m
    Training Modules ~138k green + 3.3 blue
    Orange Gear mats incl. a lot of uniques, mini-uniques and ~1.5k SMBs
    Purple Ability mats ~500+ and growing (all caracters are at least 6664 or at max ability lvl for their character lvl)
    Orange Ability mats ~1200+
    Ultimus shards ~71k+

    Account is linked to a facebook. account which login credentials are provided to the buyer.

    For more information & pictures message me on Discord TheWitchhunter#7288
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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