Selling   7.3 Mil TCP DD done Rank 400, all chars unlocked, 20 tier 14, all # teams at tier 12+; 4/5 + RS

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HippoMSF, 6/29/20.

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  1. HippoMSF

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    Selling a Dolphin account with 7.3 mil TCP can be easily upgraded to 8 since all uncesseray chars are lvl 1 thus no fake TCP

    Teams are as follows:

    guardians with minverva - 400 (minverva tier 14)
    As guardians 410 (loki hela tier 14 7/5 RS )
    Old school avengers with cap marvel 400 - (cap marvel is 7/6 tier 14)
    shield 400 ( NF tier 14 )
    V.1 BH 400
    Symbs 400 ( Venom, SSM tier 14)
    X-men 390 (collosus, pheonix tier 14 and wolvie and cyclops are low)
    F4 350
    Supernatural 350 ( Ghost rider tier 14 )
    Defenders 330
    Power armor 330
    inhumans 330 (BB tier 14 , yoyo can be upgraded but does really well in ultimus 5/5 stars)
    mercs 300 (Merc LT tier 14)
    hydra 300
    Synister 6 270
    Aim 260
    Black order 270 ( still needs work , enough all team can be upgaded to tier 14)

    Marauders still need some work but Mr. Sinister is 5/5 tier 14

    Account still has 15 Mega obs, 15 Gold orbs, 120 milestone orbs, 70 Ultimus orbs, 270 blitz orbs, 110 gear orbs ( the ones from blitz which you can exchange for anything)

    PM me on discord ID = zapiciu#4652
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