Professional team boosting accounts Apex Legends. CHEAP prices, privacy comes first. Quickly, quality, efficiently, exclusively hands without cheats and software. Looking for long term buyers/followers. Only on PC! REQUIREMENT: LOGIN + PASSWORD (Verification code, if you have it enabled) Middleman Fee is on you (if opted) Fast Ranked Boost (possible Boost Assist): $7 from Bronze IV to Silver IV ($2 per tier - $0,6 per 100 RP) $8 from Silver IV to Gold IV ($2 per tier - $0,7 per 100 RP) $13 from Gold IV to Platinum IV ($3.5 per tier - $0.9 per 100 RP) LEVELING Battle Pass: lvl 1-20: $1 per lvl lvl 21-110: $2 per lvl Promotion: raising the Battle pass from level 1 to level 110 for just $250 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVELING Account: lvl 1-40: $1 per lvl lvl 41-500: $2 per lvl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My service is 100% guaranteed and one of the CHEAP! Feel free to contact me about any custom orders for a better/lower price! Discord:samsik mashina#0331