Selling  Android 3years old lvl 300+ Top Tier s2 acc | 9xe5's: carrie, 2x ruda, uni, Ely uvm | shiny antlers*2

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tobiweiss, 5/4/20.

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  1. tobiweiss

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    E5 Heroes: Carrie, Garuda, Garuda, Em, Amen Ra, Ely, Asmo, Unimax, Ormus + E3 Unimax, 10* Asmo + 2 copies, 14 more penny copies, 4 9* heroes (kroos, hw etc)
    - 7x Place 1 GW Borders on S2, Interdemensional Overseer +3
    - A bag full of more rare 5* heroes (4x ruda etc)
    - antlers cane 2 star SHINY, demon Bell, KOG, Orb of Ann., Punisher of Immortals, Tread of Light, Augustus Magicball. A lot of more unique oranges & event artis
    - Maxed Deer, Maxed Wolf, Maxed Phoenix
    - 3 tech trees maxed (both circles!)
    - VIP8 10k+ vip points (2000+spent)
    - 5 Legendary Skins for Main team, a lot of epics
    - Monthly and Mini Monthly Running
    - 1412 Universal Crystals (free event arti)
    Shoot me an email or pn for further infos
    ([email protected])
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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