Sold 4340% crit 12 zeus / 11 necromancer

Discussion in 'Rush Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rich4ever, 12/11/23.

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  1. Rich4ever

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    My Location:
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    Looking to sell my personal account.
    20 trainer (item)
    15 bestie (item)
    20 trickster
    20 jay
    20 elementalist
    20 gadget
    19 snowflake (item)
    13 mari (item)
    6 mermaid
    5 jake paul
    12 zeus
    11 necromancer (item)
    Legendary cards:
    MAX - Inquisitor, echanted swords, dryad, meteor
    Level 13: robot (1/3) 2 cards and can max with book.
    Level 12: knights statue, trapper
    Level 11: blade dancer, boreas, cultist, demon hunter
    Level 10: bruiser, harlequin, clock of power, minotaur, scrapper, summoner, tesla
    Level 9: corsair, demonologist, frost, hex, monk, stasis, witch, shaman
    Level 8: -
    Level 7: banshee, spirit master, riding hood, sea dog
    Has total available of 47 legendary cards to use.
    Has rush royale id linked only.
    Pictures say all by theyreselves.
    Pictures on imgur link:

    Price is 700USD nego tiable

    Payment only Crypto BTC/USDT another wallet let me know
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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