Summoners War Global Account - Late Game (5+ years) G1 Arena Ready & G2 Guild Ready. BJ5 with 35K Bale! 47/50 Friend List with many BJ5 ready friends for quick and EASY farming. SSS all raids: Globally Ranked No. 45 Light Beast, No. 58 Wind Beast. SSS World Boss: 2,200,000 ready. Dungeon Record Times: 21 sec Giant's Keep, 23 sec Dragon's Lair, 33 sec Necropolis. Fun Facts: 266 CD Brandia, 254 CD Baleygr, 205 CD Vio Chow. Fun Fact BONUS: Legendary YouTuber JewBagel is on my Friend's List. Water Nat 5: Alicia, Camilla, Poseidon, Taor, Shi Hou, Chow, Praha, Chandra, Anavel, Josephine, Abellio, Theo, Woosa, Bolverk. Fire Nat 5: Brandia, Okeanos, Xiong Fei, Velajuel, Juno, Zaiross, Rica, Vanessa, Daphnis, Rakan, Kumar, Raki, Tesarion, Baleygr, Perna, Ophilia, Laika, Chiwu. Wind Nat 5: Katarina, Ethna, Pungbaek, Seara, Tiana, Triton, Charlotte, Teshar, Akhamamir, Feng Yan, Wind Homunculus. LD Nat 5: Shazam, Jeanne, Elsharion, Veromos, Dark Homunculus, Eirgar. LD Nat 4: Iris, Tosi, Belita, Eva, Liu Mei, Einheri, Kamiya, Isabelle, Hrungnir, Iona, Tablo, Deva, Dias. 2nd Awaken: Miho, Belladeon, Mina, Kacey, Raoq, Ramagos, Shakan, Eshir, Jultan, Gorgo, Kro. Looking to sell this Summoner's War Global Account. I am the proud original owner of this account from 2014/08/30 and have spent countless hours building up this account up (5 hours+ per day, 365 days a year). It is BJ5 ready with 35K Bale for quick and easy farming. I built up a Friend's List (47/50) with a good majority of them running BJ5 teams so you do not have to worry about finding new friends. Rune Quality specializes in attack (see Light Beast and Wind Beast records above) and HP/Bruiser type for many units. This has allowed me to easily be a top contributor in G1/G2 guild content and G1 - G2 arena. With the right approach and strategies, this account will take you far. If you have any questions, please let me know. All sales are final and there are no returns. I hope this account suits you well. Do not worry: this is an original account and it was never sold previously.