Arena - C3 RTA - C3 Toa/Toah Cleared Runes - Decent - Vip 115 6*s Nat 5 Josephine, Amelia, Mo Long, Psamath, Bastet, Theomars, Woosa x2, Chandra, Verad, Camilla, Anavel, Sigmarus Helena, Xiong Fei, Okeanos, Tesarian, Brandia, Raki x2, Kumar, Velajuel, Rica x2, Juno x2, Rakan, Perna x2, Zairos, Vanessa, Baelygr Wind Homu, Taranys, Feng Yan, Hathor x2, Triton, Pungbaek, Ethna, Seara, Jamire, Katarina, Xing Zhe x2, Akhamamir Jeanne, Elsherion Veromos Screenshots
Forgot to mention transmogs... Fire Twins, Perna, Rakan, Water Twins, Mo Long, Josephine, Psamathe, Seara, Light Twins, 6 sets of Wings, 1 Burning Spirit, 3 Whirling Conq Fury, 1 Bright Glorious Seal