vip15 player lvl 144 44m power #2 on my server lucias 5* Twins 5* Tasi 5* Brutus 5* Shemira 5* Lyca 5* Rowan 5* Nemora 5* ArtUR 5* Grezhul 5* Ferael 4* Estralda 4* Thane 4* Nara 4* Eironn 3* Thoran 3* Kelthur 3* Seirus 3* khasos 2* Safiya 2* Ulmus 2* Baden 2* Gwyneth 2* Belinda 1* Rosaline 1* Athalia 1* Fawkes 1* Numisu 1* Warck 1* Antandra 1* Hendrik 1* Kaz 1* Most Gear is capped most Si are around 20 Heroes not listed are mostly L+ Emperor#7415, add for more details and pics
SCAM SCAM SCAM This person has literally reposted my account listing on here after requesting pictures, you could have atleast tried to change the wording lol. """"""" vip15 player lvl 144 44m power #2 on my server lucias 5* Twins 5* Tasi 5* Brutus 5* Shemira 5* Lyca 5* Rowan 5* Nemora 5* ArtUR 5* Grezhul 5* Ferael 4* Estralda 4* Thane 4* Nara 4* Eironn 3* Thoran 3* Kelthur 3* Seirus 3* khasos 2* Safiya 2* Ulmus 2* Baden 2* Gwyneth 2* Belinda 1* Rosaline 1* Athalia 1* Fawkes 1* Numisu 1* Warck 1* Antandra 1* Hendrik 1* Kaz 1* Most Gear is capped most Si are around 20 Heroes not listed are mostly L+ Looking for 2000 OBO #1 afkarenahighend, 1/22/20 Last edited: 1/22/20 """""