Selling  North America  High End  Android and iOS FS NA Account/Triple Support

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ArjAngel, 2/8/20.

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  1. ArjAngel

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    FS NA Account/Triple Support, lv 137,2 days till login bonus, BD set
    FC: 742,275,026
    Paypal pls

    *22 SSR
    -np2: bryn, S.nero, tamamo, jtr, jeanne, jalter
    -jalter lv 100 with costume
    -10/10/10: squirturia, scath, s.nero, merlin, zhuge, jalter, mashu
    -10/10/8 musashi, 6/4/6 mord, 4/4/4 saber, 4/4/4 s.mamo, 5/1/5 bryn, 5/5/5 medb, 4/3/3 sanzo, 5/6/10 tamamo, 7/5/6 jtr, 4/2/4 mhxa, 6/10/10 cuzilla, 6/6/8 jannu, 6/6/6 melt, 4/4/4 salter, 4/4/4 chloe, 3/3/3 emiya, 3/3/1 martha, 3/4/4 nursery, 1/1/5 s.scat, 4/4/4 shiki, 4/4/- stheno, 9/9/9 herc, 9/9/9 s.martha, 3/3/3 gorgon, 6/6/2 BB, 5/6/5 bedi, 4/4/6 euryale, 3/3/3 cu, 5/5/5 alex, 6/4/2 medea, 6/6/6 hans
    *34 sr
    - np3 sumanai, np2 salter, np2 tomoe, np4 atalante, np3 L.vlad, np3 liz, np2 martha, np2 marie, np2 helena, np4 nursery, np2 wu zetian, np2 banana, np2 beowulf, np2 lancelot, np3 herc, np3 S.Martha,
    *All Welfare servants so far at NP5
    *Has good CEs (mlb scope, 3x scope, mlb l/zero, mlb formal craft, 3x 2030, 4x prisma cosmos, mlb mona, mlb lunchtime, mlb p training, mlb p lesson etc)
    *250 Gold XP in Second Archive
    *Shimousa onwards not done yet
    *17x Grail, 62x Lore, *584 Golden, 309 Silver and 247 Bronze Apples, 4517 Mana Prism, 1 Rare Prism and 1SQ lolz

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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