Selling  Android and iOS  High End 1.5M | END GAME F2P | ARBITER, GURGOH, NETHRIL, AND MORE..

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by ElGuapo, 1/17/20.

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  1. ElGuapo

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    Hello good folk.

    I was unemployed these last 5 months so I had plenty of time to play this game. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and I'm about to start work soon. As I would not be able to dedicate the time needed for gaming, I'm checking if it is possible to cash in before I call it quits.

    Here are some general details regarding the account:

    •Legendaries: Rhazin, Nethril, Gurgoh, Harvest Jack, Lugan, Yannica;

    •Epics: Nazana, Juliana, Alure, Lua, Aothar, Seeker, Kallia, Thenasil, Adriel, Souldrinker, Luria, Warden, Whisper, Towering Titan, Alika + Sikara + more;

    Rares: Apo, Coldheart x2, Bellower, Reliquary Tender, Bulwark, Kael + more;

    •Constantly in Gold 4, easily over 25 wins per day;

    •Fully booked are: Nethril, Gurgoh, Nazana, Juliana, Seeker, Lua (almost) and all good rares.

    •Currently 2 keying Brutal, can also 4 key NM, but my clan already clears NM before 4th key charges;

    •Sparring pit has 4/5 slots maxed with the last one being 2/3;

    •Great hall bonuses emphasize on Accuracy;

    •Arbiter missions are at 265 / 286 (Not stuck, still progressing, getting closer each day);

    •Nightmare campaign is at 150/180 (Might progress there as well if I get the chance);

    •Faction wars is at 290 / 335;

    I'm hoping to get $250 for this, or simply accept the highest bid.

    I'm open for questions.

    Uploading some photos for reference:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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