—58 couch potatoes - has polarian shipwreck bundle - majestic bundle - epic bundle - sparkling jewellers bundle - starter fire bundle - winterbane bundle and many more gauntlets - 140 mega snacks - 2 warlord characters (fire and balance) - lvl 100 storm with quadruple damage and resist pet - little over 2 full pages of perm mounts - lots of other stuff like gear and pets
Account is still available. It is family linked however i have the master password and email and so i am able to change it to yours for full access and security. Also i am increasing the offer range from 100 to 151 as lots of people are interested. If you offer 150 i will immediately accept it.
account is still for sale. Also I have already posted the lvls of the 2 warlords which are lvl 10, the storm is lvl 100
Uh sadly my budget for games went down to 100. Have any other accounts within my price range? If so add me on discord. BabyGuu#9488
Account is still for sale for 150 USD. I will not be sending any other pictures like stats of characters because i am not selling my account primarily for stats. Masterpassword and emailchange is included