- Server 451 vip18 - Master lvl 378 - Total power: 50m - Champions League power: 105m - Hoopa, Dawn & Dusk, Reso Black & White and 25 other overlord pokemons - 3,1k fire books - 5x Cinnabar accessories "3x Ho-oh and 2x Thunderset" - Pokedex: 439 pokemons - Maxed all 3 field power lvl. 1000 - Maxed all gym skill 100% - Supports: 3x Volcanion, 2x Zygarde, 2x Mewtwo Y, 2x Kyurem, 1x Tyranitar and 1x Charizard Y If you got questions feel free and send me a DM.. #JustDoIt PS: POKELAND LEGENDS BUY/SELL/TRADE (OFFICIAL) Public Group | facebook.