Selling  418 days account near end-game all story cleared 6th anniversary Ichigo and Aizen 5/5

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alfrundi, 6/15/23.

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  1. alfrundi

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    My Location:
    418 days account:

    Discord: alfrundi#9475

    We can discuss the price

    Story mode fully completed

    Brave battle team's power: 32,505

    Brave battle team: Karakura Chad 5/5, TYBW Yhwach 2/5, Kuruyashiki 3/5

    All hard guild quest are doable in less than 30 secs

    3 copies of almost every in game accessory (except food for obvious reasons)

    Golden accessories: 3 power Chappys, 2 technique Puppies, 2 speed Yukis, 1 mind Yuki, 1 power Yuki, 1 mind Puppy.

    Tea sets: 1 copy of every attribute except heart

    Tea cups: 2 copies of power, heart and technique, 1 copy of mind tea cup

    Cape fasteners: 1 of every attribute except for technique and speed

    Kemaris: 2 copies of speed and heart, 1 copy of power and technique

    Characters: 1137 total, 1102 maxed

    5/5: 6th anniversary Aizen and Ichigo, Senjumaru, Karakura Chad

    4/5: Goriko

    3/5: 7th anniversary Ichigo, Karakura Uryu, Kuruyashiki, Rangiku Chinese version, Masaki, Don Kanonji and Pikaro, Noelle, Pots Urahara, Tokinada

    2/5: BTW Macy, Karakura Ichigo, SAFWY Toshiro, TYBW Yhwach, Power Nihility Ulquiorra, Abirama, SAFWY Kenpachi, Bruno, Xmas Ninny

    1/5: BTW Balgo and Osushi, BTW Bruno, Mind Nihilty Ulquiorra, Speed Nihilty Ulquiorra, SAFWY Gin, TYBW Aizen, 7th anniversary Uryu, Mind Lisa, Azashiro, Host Aizen, Xmas Noelle, SAFWY Urahara, SAFWY Shinji, SAFWY Yamamoto, SAFWY Ukitake, Ninny

    Almost every character is lvl 200, and almost every character mentioned has at least 10/10/10 links

    All Chronicle quest cleared:

    Part 1: 1 bonus fragment character for every quest

    Part 2: 2 bonus fragments characters for every quest

    Part 3: 3 bonus fragments characters for quest 1 and 2, 2 bonus for quest 3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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