Selling  High End 155M Acc, 60lvl, 60lvl dragon, 11 gold commanders, all building max + gold alt

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marti1702, 12/1/19.

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  1. Marti1702

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    Battle rating: 155M
    Kingdom: 8

    Power : 155M
    - Army : 31M
    - Fortification : 500k
    - Construction : 11M
    - Research : 95M
    - Lord : 5.7M
    - Commander Army : 8.3M
    - VIP : 120k
    - Appearance : 3M
    - Dragon : 3M

    Lord Lvl almost 60
    VIP 12

    Castle skins: Ancient capital(Troop training), High keep(Research), Shadow of valyria (attack)

    31 Commanders overall (all 60 lvl)
    Gold: Jaimie, Robb, Gorell, Chriss, Aria, Sansa, Soren, Merell, Melisandre, Varys, Arslan
    Purple: Seg, Kevin, Raymond, Theon, Barret, Sheila
    Blue: Tyrion,
    Green: Andrea, Russel, Margaery, Leila, Leana, Feis, Mengo, Kravas
    Grey: Denerys, Healey, Jeane, Robert

    aptitude 625, finance 630, command 654, combat 912, leadership 688.

    Total troops: 1M (450k t3, 550 t4)
    All T4 Units unlocked, full expedition unlocked

    Dragon lvl 60

    All buildings are 25, bank 9 lvl

    630M grain, 910M wood, 510M stone, 430M iron, 50M gold

    80K blue diamonds, 200 days total speedups.

    6 Translational Relocations, 2.6M Alliance Coins.

    Troop Appearance:
    Oldtown bowman - 5 medals to Gold,
    House Reed Spearman - 3lvl Purple
    Runaway Calvary - 1 lvl Purple
    Stormlands Horseman - 3 lvl Blue
    Black Ears Warrior - 2 lvl Blue

    To this account i can give also my alt - castle 24, about 400k gold per hour. All minst are mostly 24.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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