Selling kritika the white account Main eclair 1m3+ atk, all meteorites eth+ +0 sub 1: 930k atk, 7k physical defense, 7k2 magical defense sub 2: 827k atk, 6k7 physical def, 6k9 magical def sub 3 800k atk other subs 700k+ atk. I own all toons except burst breaker and dark valkyria. all toons are super awakened with atk and def meteorites eth +5, and +119 for main atk opals Pets effects: -Eth : all +25 -Eth+: all +22, and Stalwart musketeers +25. eth+ relics maxed out on both atk and def Ressources on account: 7k mao and 80k karats. price is # For more info contact me here or on Line. my line id:1893a5