Account has the following # 7* units -Esther -Sylvie -Myra -Chow -CG Charlotte -Zeno -Circe -Edgar -Aerith -Folka -CG Lid, Lasswell, Raegan, Fina Also have collab units -Sora -2B Total 7* Units is 64 with a few STMR, such as Marie’s, Duke’s, Hyoh’s, and Esther’s. Resource wise, 3915 lapis, and next to no tickets, but I will be logging in daily to continue accruing tickets and such until it’s purchased. 12.8K Trust Coins I’ve dropped $274 on the account over the years. The account is still linked via Facebook, but I’m sure that can be changed to Google now. Looking for a payment via PayPal.