Selling  Trading  Asia  1+ Years Old  10-24 Games  Bundle of 3 | Level 110,50+,40+ | Prime CSGO | 10-25 Games | Cache Sets | Full Access

Discussion in 'Steam Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by c0mic, 10/16/19.

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  1. c0mic

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    Bundle of 3 Accounts

    1. Steam Level 110
    Games: CS:GO Prime, Monster Hunter, Dark Souls III, Trine 1-3, etc. (Somes games have been removed from account but you can recover them if you find them.)
    VAC/Game Ban: Clean (No # have been used in this account)
    Items: AWP | Phobos and Meepo 2018 Cache Set

    2. Steam Level 40+
    Games: Watchdogs, Witcher III, Dying Light, etc.
    VAC/Game Ban: VAC Banned(CS:GO)[ Banned through Phone number ]
    Items: Nothing notable

    3. Steam Level 50+
    Games: Nothing notable (Has some progress on MHW, MHW is not bought though)
    VAC/Game Ban: VAC Banned(CS:GO) [Account was used for cheating]
    Items: 3 2019 DotA 2 Cache Sets (Abaddon, Grimstroke, DP)

    You get Username and Password + Temporary Email + Password of Temporary Email

    Account will be cleared of friends, comments, groups, and pending invites upon delivery.

    (Reason for temporary: all 3 emails are personal emails and contains personal informations)

    Payment method: Steam Wallet Codes(Worth 150$), Steam Items (Worth 170$) [No other method I don't have PayPal]

    I will not go first if you don't trust me don't trade with me.

    Discord: c0mic#2202
    Steam: Steam Community :: Comic (Mostly on here leave a comment first then we can chat in discord)

    (Feel free to ask for account screenshot)
    (Do note that I am not 24/7 online.)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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